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Tag "Pension Reform"

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Coal ban would boost tax cost of pensions

California public pensions already have a big problem with adequate funding. The nonpartisan state Legislative Analyst pegs the pensions’ unfunded liabilities at $340 billion. It should be obvious what the investment strategy should be for the California Public Employees System,

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2014’s low turnout eases path for 2016 tenure, pension ballot measures

Rick Claussen, Ned Wigglesworth, and Aaron McLear of the Redwood Pacific consulting group have released an interesting memo that is good news for those considering taking on public employee unions in 2016 with ballot measures putting limits on government pensions

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Controller: No CalPERS controls on pension spiking

With the state facing $500 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, you might think the state’s pension funds would do everything they could to make sure the liabilities would not go even higher. To quote the late John Belushi, But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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In debate gaffe, Jerry Brown channels Gerald Ford

The Sacramento press corps has been acting bored with the governor’s race ever since the spectacle of Tim Donnelly as the GOP nominee faded away. So now we have a debate in which Jerry Brown makes a debate gaffe as

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Is Gov. Brown disinterested in pension reform?

Later today, the governing board of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System is expected to pass rules giving state employees 99 ways to spike their “pensionable pay.” Gov. Jerry Brown only objected to one of the 99 bonuses. This is

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LA, CA still avoiding pension reality

The ultimate pension reform is Detroit-style bankruptcy, with retirees getting less than what they are owed by contract. As the NY Times reported on July 22: “DETROIT — Coming to terms with what came to be seen as inevitable, this

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19 CA members of Congress take pensions

Former San Diego city councilman and mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio, who brought comprehensive pension reform to San Diego, is taking his fight to Capitol Hill. A new report published by the GOP congressional candidate identified 102 members of Congress that

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CA cities gain tool to chop retirement benefits

A cliche in government circles is that there is no “magic bullet” available to address many big, difficult problems. But thanks to a recent action by the California Supreme Court, many local governments now do have a “magic bullet” to

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Longevity breakthroughs make gov pensions even more of a gold mine

On Sunday the Drudge Report sent Twitter abuzz with the report of a hugely significant breakthrough on aging and longevity: “It may seem the stuff of gothic horror novels, but transfusions of young blood could reverse the ageing process and

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