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Tag "Reason magazine"

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California’s roads improve, but still are troubled according to new study

SACRAMENTO – Despite its well-documented inefficiencies and travails, California’s Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has managed to improve the state’s system of roads, bridges and freeways incrementally in recent years, according to a newly released annual survey of state highway systems

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VIDEO: Is the pot legalization movement more important than the Tea Party?

California led the way on many fronts, including the legalization of marijuana. Is it time to give pot to needy Californians now? Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins CalWatchdog’s James Poulos to talk about the weird world of legalization culture

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VIDEO: Would six Californias be better than one?

Is the Six Californias plan good for California? Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins Cal Watchdog’s James Poulos and we find out what would be missed.

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VIDEO: Does California government do anything well (besides grow)?

California is controlled by Democrat politicians, but even they have failed to deliver on a list of progressive promises. Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins CalWatchdog’s James Poulos to discuss the shortcomings of liberal utopia.

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VIDEO: Our self-made immigration mess

We’ve made immigration so difficult, that we’ve created the incentives to break the law. Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins CalWatchdog’s James Poulos about some solutions to our state’s illegal immigrant problem.

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VIDEO: Is California becoming the boring state?

Demographics are not on the side of the Golden State. The people we need to live here are leaving. Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins CalWatchdog’s James Poulos to talk about his greatest fear of all: California gets boring.

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The reality of politics

He wasn’t as eloquent as Machiavelli, but President Bill Clinton summed up the essence of politics more pithily: “I take care of my friends and I [expletive deleted] with my enemies.” The rest is just rhetoric to fool the masses.

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Unregulated CA entrepreneurs thrive in … the pot business

Happy New Year! Are you familiar with the state that has such an innovative and advanced marijuana industry that quality control extends to making sure pot brands consistently produce the same sensations? Where entrepreneurs are turning to increasingly sophisticated tools

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