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Tag "Republicans"

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‘Ghost guns’ could be an apparition in CA

When 3D-printed guns first emerged on the scene, many predicted the “ghost guns” could render the regulation of guns pointless. The creation of the 3-D gun is only about one year old. The first 3D-printed gun initially was fired in

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Water bill in Congress ‘puts families before fish’

A bill to address California’s drought and future water supply in the House of Representatives has Gov. Jerry Brown angry. Brown said the water bill is “an unwelcome and divisive intrusion” into California’s effort to manage the state’s drought, the

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CA ports and trade busy, but could be more competitive

California is home to 11 major ports spanning the 1,000 miles of coast between the North Coast near Oregon, and San Diego County. California has not fully analyzed the state’s current trade system needs, nor are the port facilities fully

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Legislature takes up dueling water bonds

There’s no drought of water bonds in the California Legislature to deal with the record drought the state is suffering. The Republican minority in the Legislature even is pitching in. Assemblyman Dan Logue, R-Marysville, is pushing Assembly Bill 1445, a

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State of the State: Gov. Brown seeks ‘fiscal restraint’ — and more spending

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown delivered his 2014 State of the State this morning. It was largely a recap of his recent 2014 Budget proposal press conference, but shorter. As Brown often does, he first took on his critics: “It

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Bill would strengthen public's right to comment before votes

“The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them,” says California Code Section 54950 of The Ralph M. Brown Act, the state's bedrock open-government law. cure for diabetes But that’s not always the

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Gov. Brown's budget largely ignores massive debt

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown yesterday released his state budget proposal for fiscal year 2014-15, which begins on July 1, with spending sharply higher than last year, despite promises of fiscal restraint. The governor’s $155 billion total spending plan increases the general fund

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How will Brown budget proposal address pensions, taxes, debt?

California's budget battles will begin on Friday when Gov. Jerry Brown releases his proposal for fiscal year 2014-15, which begins on July 1. The media and political buzz in the Capitol building is that the state has a surplus — and

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Can liberty in America be saved in 2014?

What will Liberty look like in 2014? And no, it’s not a car. Liberty is something we often hear about, but isn’t exactly a topic of discussion at dinner parties. If we don’t really know what liberty is, how will

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EDD employees nap, watch TV, surf net, while claims stack up

My three-part series about the Employment Development Department computer system upgrade has some in the agency wanting to unload. Apparently EDD officials’ explanation of the newly updated $100 million computer system “glitches,” and claims of understaffing, aren’t the whole story,

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