Tag "solar power"
Back to homepageHoover analyst: CA already met 50% renewable goal
Eureka! California already surpassed Gov. Jerry Brown’s 50 percent goal for renewable energy power by 2030. It did so, in fact, in 2011. That’s the conclusion of an article in the March-April issue of Eureka, a new periodical by the Hoover
Read MoreStudy: Vast CA solar power possible using existing infrastructure
A new study for Nature Climate Central journal says California could have abundant solar power to meet all of its needs — and without building huge fields of solar arrays like the Tonopah facility by Interstate 15 near the Nevada
Read MoreSolar power causing problems with electricity grid
One theme CalWatchdog.com has covered is how solar power can cause problems to the state’s existing electricity grid. An investigation a year ago found: An emerging problem with California’s new green power grid is the need to ramp up enough conventional power
Read MoreSilicon Valley jolts CA energy game
The sun is shining on private solar energy. Beyond federal and state efforts, California’s tech titans have upped the ante with momentous new investments that promise to revolutionize electricity production. For years, solar power has been touted by advocates as a major future source
Read MoreGermans turn on CA-style green energy push
California may think of itself as the epicenter of the green religion, but even more extreme environmentalism has been playing out in Europe. In Germany, the result is increasingly sharp disillusionment. The Washington Times has the details: “[Germany moved] to
Read MoreVictorville bond bust brings SEC lawsuit
May 31, 2013 By Wayne Lusvardi A recent lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission alleged Victorville city officials and bond underwriters defrauded bondholders of $13.3 million in 2008 due to failure to disclose actions and risks of “inflated property
Read MoreSolar power fries ratepayers
Dec. 29, 2012 By Joseph Perkins Most lawmakers in Sacramento have no idea who Robert K. Merton was. But they almost certainly are familiar with terms the late great American social scientist introduced into the popular lexicon, including “unintended consequences.”
Read More$2 Billion Solar Rebates Program Broke
APRIL 6, 2011 By KATY GRIMES California legislators are pushing a bill through the system for a bankrupt solar subsidy program, despite a $200 million shortfall. And while the large shortfall would make most subsidy beneficiaries go belly-up, California legislators
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