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Tag "Taxes"

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Brown Ignores Will of Voters on Taxes

APRIL 14, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Apparently California Gov. Jerry Brown and his staff follow, but not necessarily the will of the people of California. Gov. Brown issued a curious statement at a press conference held Wednesday in Sacramento

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Vernon Moves Toward Disincorporation

APRIL 14, 2011 By KATY GRIMES An Assembly committee voted unanimously on Wednesday to pass a bill that would disincorporate the charter for the Southern California city of Vernon. AB 46, authored by Assembly Speaker John Pérez (D-Los Angeles), takes

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A Vote on Taxes? Never Mind

John Seiler: For more than three months now, we’ve been lectured by Gov. Jerry Brown, his fellow Democrats and government union leaders that voters must be given a choice on raising taxes. Never mind! — as Emily Litella used to

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On Breast Feeding and Housekeeping

Katy Grimes: We all know that the government is infringing on our personal liberties more and more. Legislators just don’t seem to get the message that we want less of them, and not more of their ridiculous decisions encroaching on

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High-Speed Rail Rides Again

APRIL 12, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Another attempt to stop the unchecked spending on high-speed rail was killed in committee on Monday on a party-line vote. That happened despite research proving that taxpayers cannot sustain the inevitable subsidy the project

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Forced March to the May Revise

APRIL 11, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Things are looking bleaker by the day for Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $12 billion tax hike. So far, Republicans have remained rock solid against it, denying him the two GOP sellout votes he needs

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Skelton Needs Remedial Math

John Seiler: Sometimes I just shake my head. L.A. Times California columnist George Skelton writes today: Let’s be clear: State employee pensions are not to blame for Sacramento’s budget deficit. Not by any math. Down the road, the current state

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No News: Still No Budget

Katy Grimes: Has the California Legislature  jumped the shark, and moved beyond relevance or even recovery? In a moment-in-time characterized by absurdity, the California budget is swiftly becoming a bad joke. There is no budget. There has been no budget. And

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Southern Cal Expelling Families

APRIL 7, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Using data from the 2010 U.S. Census, analysis from various think tanks will be trickling out. One of the most revealing just was released by the Brookings Institution on America’s child population (boldface in

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I'm Singing the California Blues

APRIL 6, 2011 Once known throughout the world as the Golden State, California used to attract people from other parts of the United States as well as folks from other countries. People migrated to California for a chance of success

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