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Tag "unemployment"

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Uneasy balancing act for CA economy

California headed into 2016 with a stabilizing economy that nonetheless left many residents uneasy. On the work front, the year finished out with weaker, but not alarming, numbers. “California employers added just 5,500 jobs in November, according to federal data —

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Assembly passes grocery employment mandate

If you purchase a grocery store that is going out of business because its employees have not provided good customer service and sanitary conditions, should you be required to hire those same employees? The answer is yes, according to Assembly

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L.A. mayor’s State of City address skips economic woes

In January 2014, a blue-ribbon commission created at the behest of Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson presented the council with a report titled “A Time for Truth” — a hugely downbeat account of the economic decline of the

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CalChamber plans another successful year of defeating “job killer” bills

Sacramento’s been taking care of business. Last week, the California Chamber of Commerce, known simply as CalChamber, announced a preliminary draft of its “job killer” bills, an annual list of proposed legislation that will hurt the state’s business community and

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CA jobs improve, consumer sentiment dips

California’s jobs situation continues to improve — although there’s a dip in consumer sentiment. The California Employment Development Department today announced unemployment dropped to 6.9 percent in February, down from 7.1 percent in Dec. 2014; and down more than a point

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CA jobless down, but state faces competition

California took pride this week in the staggering news of Apple Inc.’s record quarterly earnings. And the state unemployment rate dropped in December to 7 percent, down from 7.2 percent in November — a vast improvement over the 12 percent of 2010 and 2012.

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The whole truth about California’s employment picture

News on the economy appears good with new national numbers on economic growth released and polls measuring the attitudes about the job market ticking up. However, in California some troubling job numbers don’t get the attention they deserve. While quarterly

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CA unemployment drops to 7.3%

Perhaps Gov. Jerry Brown’s campaign slogan is right: “California is back.” Unemployment dropped to 7.3 percent in September, down from 8.8 percent a year ago. Except the national rate is 5.9 percent. So California clearly is just following the national recovery,

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SoCal job growth slows

“California’s back!” is Gov. Jerry Brown’s re-election slogan. Certainly, in some areas, such as Silicon Valley, where the Great Recession hardly hurt. But in much of the rest of the state, stagnation still is the order of the day. That’s

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State workers get pay raise

How’s your pay raise going in the private sector? Woops! Didn’t get one? Well, you should have joined the public sector and lived off those who actually produce something. July 1 saw a pay raise for state employees. And of

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