Tag "John Seiler"

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Thieves rip $800,000 in computers from San Jose State

Can’t blame this one on Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Thieves ripped off $800,000 of computer equipment from San Jose State. The Contra Costa Times reported: Without a central warehouse or reliable system for keeping track of the valuables

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CalSTRS to sock local school budgets

California’s pension crisis just keeps getting worse. The major crisis now is the California State Teachers’ Retirement System. Gov. Jerry Brown warned about the crisis in his Jan. 2014 budget proposal, but didn’t do anything about it. Election year. We’ll

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Humorous new attack on Prop. 13

Lenny Bruce was funnier But Lenny Goldberg is pretty funny, too. Because he’s wasted 40 years attacking Proposition 13, the landmark 1978 property-tax limitation initiative. The Times just ran a puff piece on him. There’s no hint that, in a state

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CA gas tax jumps 10 cents in Jan.

New year. New tax on gas. It’s AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 finally gouging drivers at the pump. Although industry spokesmen have said the new gas tax could be as much as 70 cents a gallon, it

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No NFL in LA in 2015

I hope you’re enjoying the final NFL games of the regular season today. No NFL team for Los Angeles this year — and for next year. On Tuesday Commissioner Roger Goodell informed the 32 teams there will be no teams entirely

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Record DOW? Not so fast

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been setting new records. It soared above 18,000 for the first time on Tuesday. But is it really a record? Not if we score it by gold, the only real money. Then it’s clear

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CA govt. workers score top salaries

A new survey by the U.S. Census Bureau found that California government workers pull down among the highest compensation in the nation. Here’s the map: Table 4 shows average earnings, for 2013, in California for a full-time state-and-local employee are

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Bag ban goes to voters in 2016

Some good holiday news. This year the California Legislature passed the most unsanitary legislation in decades, the ban on plastic bags at grocery stores. An initiative just qualified for 2016 for voters to dump this eco-Marxism from the law books. I

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Call her Prof. Dr. Big Sis

It was Matt Drudge who dubbed Janet Napolitano “Big Sis” when she was the head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Given her duties of spying on Americans and repressing us in the strangely Teutonic-sounding “homeland/heimat” department, it was

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Brown readies 2015-16 budget

Budget time again. According to the Sacramento Bee, Gov. Jerry Brown is working on his budget, for fiscal year 2015-16, which begins next July 1. He will reveal his budget a couple weeks into the new year. The Bee looked

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