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LAO: Tax hike robs the middle class

John Seiler: Democrats in the Legislature have been advertising their tax increase as hitting just the rich. Yeah. We get it. They think the “rich” are the middle class. Now, the LAO confirms that: The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office said today

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Sunshine would prevent more Bells

AUGUST 11, 2010 By MICHAEL BARNHART Bell is one of the poorest cities in Los Angeles County, pays its top officials some of the highest salaries in the nation, including nearly $800,000 annually to the city manager. When citizens do

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Shakedown threatens nursing homes

AUGUST 11, 2010 A Humboldt County jury recently awarded $677 million in a class-action lawsuit against a nursing home operator — an award that may put Skilled Healthcare Group‘s nursing homes out of business, and could mark the entire industry for

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Unions sue to stop pension reform

Steven Greenhut: San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi’s modest pension reform measure has drawn the predictable lawsuit from the city’s public sector unions who, goes to figure, don’t even want to allow the city’s voters to have a say on

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Should state hike park fees?

AUG. 11, 2010 By KATY GRIMES Even with recent hefty park fee hikes, a battle between supporters of state funded parks and anti-tax groups resumed in the Legislature yesterday, over an upcoming ballot initiative that would add $18 to every

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Berkeley DNA plan draws ethics concerns

AUGUST 11, 2010 By LAURA SUCHESKI Two professors from UC Berkeley testified before the Assembly Committee on Higher Education Tuesday, answering some questions about their controversial “Bring Your Genes to Cal” freshmen orientation project, but spurring new questions into the

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“Delivering For Sacramento”

Katy Grimes: Congresswoman Doris Matsui, D-Sacramento, must have an interesting mailing list. Some people in her Sacramento district receive her mailed puff pieces, and others do not.  I am guessing that I am not on the A-list. A friend of

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