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OCT. 8, 2010 A friend and I have a bet about this election cycle. He says that voters are lazy, dumb and selfish and will reelect Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer. Being an eternal optimist, I disagree. I think that
Read MoreCorrections Finally Gets Its Drugs
Anthony Pignataro: In yet another twist in the already twisted tale of the Execution of Albert Greenwood Brown that never happened, today’s San Francisco Chronicle reported that the day after the state Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation cancelled Brown’s execution,
Read MoreDer Arnold's "environmentalism" pose
John Seiler: Oct. 7, 2010 The key to understanding Der Arnold is that everything is a pose. From posing his steroid-pumped muscles before “bodybuilding” competitions to posing before a camera for an “action” movie to posing as a governor. Pose…pose…pose.
Read MoreBudget Is A Fraud
Steven Greenhut: This is what we get from the state Legislature — a fraudulent budget deal more than three months late. As the LA Times explained today, it relies heavily on DC handouts (fat chance) and “if approved would fall
Read MoreBudget Bill Held For Late Today
Katy Grimes: As expected, in the Assembly, the budget bill, and three trailer bills (including the favor-laden transportation bill) went on call for final passage much later in the day. The budget bill only received 39 votes, and the transportation
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