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Tunisia, Egypt, California, America

John Seiler: First Tunisia. Now Egypt. Next, California. Out-of-touch ruling elites are tumbling everywhere. Tunisia and Egypt have been ruled by elites in power for decades. Egyptian boss Hosni Mubrarak has been working to set up his son, Gamal, as

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GOP Union Allies Humiliate Conway

JAN. 28, 2010 By STEVEN GREENHUT The three Assembly members who joined with Democrats at a union-sponsored rally to oppose government cuts to In-Home Supportive Services — Jim Silva of Huntington Beach, Brian Nestande of Palm Desert and Paul Cook

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Tough Times, But Caltrans Wants More

JAN. 28, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Despite the need for sizable cutbacks to the state budget, Caltrans and the High Speed Rail Authority asked for more money this week from the Legislature to purchase new cars, to cover increasing fuel

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Europe Backtracks On Green Cash

Katy Grimes: With Europe rolling back massive subsidies on unaffordable green technology, it’s difficult not to ask why California lawmakers are not paying closer attention to the economic disaster European countries are now trying to reverse. Spain announced recently that

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Junket Queen Pelosi

John Seiler: As I wrote in a blog yesterday, California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the former House Speaker, cackled at President Obama’s joke about the TSA’s molestation pat-downs of innocent American citizens. Now we know why she thinks the joke was

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