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CA Wins if Obamacare Loses

March 30, 2012 Kamala Harris must be chagrined. The California attorney general filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court urging the justices to uphold the constitutionality of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. But after three

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California Exports Gangs to High Schools

John Seiler: Well, one part California’s economy is booming, even exporting to other states: The Crips gang: “The Crips, one of the largest and most violent street gangs in the United States, has spread its network of crime into high

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In Case You’re Wondering What’s Going to Happen to You…

John Seiler: It really doesn’t matter who wins the presidency this fall, or the governorship whenever. Both Republicans and Democrats have made a hash of things. The federal government is $15 trillion in debt. And the California state government is

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Greens Want Energy Bubble Loans from CPUC

MARCH 30, 2012 By WAYNE LUSVARDI California is getting strapped for cash to continue to pay for subsidies for economically infeasible solar power and energy efficiency projects for homeowners and small businesses. So the Environmental Defense Fund has concocted a

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Sneaky Govt Expansion Tax

Katy Grimes: 20,000 California teachers found pink slips in their mailboxes recently.  According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the termination notices are the result of a more than $10 billion deficit and decades of reckless overspending. With California’s education bureaucracy claiming

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