Are American children really hungry?

June 3, 2012

Katy Grimes: Did you know that more than “one in five children don’t know where their next meal will come from?” Over the weekend I caught the commercial, sponsored by that made this ludicrous claim.

This appears to be a shady organization funded by First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move,” and Con Agra foods foundation, a creative conglomoration of federal grant money grabbers.  Con Agra is a packaged food giant, and claims that 97 percent of American households use their products. 

Be very wary of these suspicious hunger claims–especially when there has never been such a high rate of obesity in children in America. With more than 50 percent of the population receiving some form of government benefits, most of these same kids also receive four meals a day from public schools.

Take a look for yourself–this taxpayer funded hunger boondoggle needs to be exposed. One of the Con Agra solutions to ending hunger is food drives; they encourage Americans to organize food drives using Con Agra packaged and canned food. Brilliant.

While Con Agra has a lengthy, fascinating history, this cooked-up hunger-in-America scam is a big lie and should anger taxpayers. Giving to legitimate charities is the best way to help those who are really hungry.

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