New Guv, New Website

Anthony Pignataro:

Jerry Brown doesn’t get officially sworn in as Governor of California until 11 a.m. today, but the California governor’s website is all Jerry now. There’s not much there beyond a sweeping photo of the Golden Gate Bridge and a very brief press release saying “On Monday, January 3rd, 2011, an exciting new chapter in Californias [sic] history starts as Jerry Brown is sworn in as the 39th Governor of California.”

The site also has a new bio of Brown, which is very interesting, if only because Brown is a fascinating guy:

“After his governorship, Brown lectured widely, led delegations to China and the Soviet Union, studied Spanish in Mexico, spent six months in Japan studying Japanese culture and Buddhist practice, worked with Mother Teresa in India at the Home for the Dying, and traveled to Bangladesh as a CARE ambassador of good will during the devastating floods of 1987,” it notes in the same dry tone as the part of the bio mentioning that he “strengthened” the California Coastal Commission.

One curious note — there is no mention whatsoever on the bio that Brown was, most recently, state Attorney General. Guess he’d like to forget that time, and considering that I’m hard-pressed to think of one thing he did good or bad as AG, I’d have to agree.

JAN. 3, 2010

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