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Rail court decision could run over future bonds

Is there a cow catcher on the front of the California high-speed rail project? One that pushes away future bond measures on everything from water to parks? That’s the unasked question as voters head to the polls next Tuesday to

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Secretary of State 2014: Tight race, cautious candidates

It’s one of the few competitive statewide races in California. And befitting a close contest, Democrat Alex Padilla and Republican Pete Peterson share remarkably close visions for the job of secretary of state. asked the two candidates a half dozen questions about

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CHiPS pass around stolen nude photos of suspects

California has come a long way from the innocent days of the “CHiPS” TV series of more than 30 years ago, starring Larry Wilcox and the heartthrob of teenage girls of that time, Eric Estrada, as state motorcycle cops. Here’s

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CA is NOT the highest taxed state

You’ve probably heard California has the nation’s highest taxes. Wrong. We’re only third-worst, behind even worse New York and New Jersey, according to a new survey by the Tax Foundation’s new 2015 State Business Tax Climate Index. Broken down, California ranks

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SEC commissioner warns of financial crisis

  Much of the country, and especially California, has yet to fully recover from the Great Recession, which officially ended in June 2009. But recent federal government actions may be leading us into another financial crisis. That was the warning

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After 13 months on job, UC President Napolitano already seems restless

It has been 13 months since Janet Napolitano took over as president of University of California system. The former homeland security chief for the Obama administration has just dropped her second big hint in as many months that she’s ready

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Enviros battle over merits of rooftop solar vs. desert solar

Things aren’t working out well for renewable energy advocates who hoped cheaper rooftop solar energy would replace large solar power plants in California’s Mojave Desert and return “economic democracy” to the people with millions of rooftop solar installations. This is

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Prop. 48: Pechanga opposes expansion of tribal gaming

A Native American tribe is spending big bucks to limit the expansion of tribal gaming in California. The Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians recently contributed $1 million to oppose Proposition 48, a controversial compact that would pave the way for off-reservation

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VIDEO: Does California government do anything well (besides grow)?

California is controlled by Democrat politicians, but even they have failed to deliver on a list of progressive promises. Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins CalWatchdog’s James Poulos to discuss the shortcomings of liberal utopia.

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Hydropower AB 32 scam as bad as one L.A. Times detailed

The Los Angeles Times had a good analysis over the weekend of how AB 32 is being gamed in ways that make suspect its claims to be cleaning up the environment. California’s pioneering climate-change law has a long reach, but

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