California economy
Back to homepageElectric cars most popular in CA
They’re still only a fraction of car sales. But all those Teslas and Leafs you see on the road are not an illusion. According to, of the top four cities in the country for electric cars, three are in California: The
Read MoreCA “community solar” fight looms on subsidy issue
Hawaii’s boom in residential solar power is inspiring advocates of the alternative energy resource to push hard in states across the U.S. for rooftop solar power, both for personal use and as part of the larger electricity grid. One in
Read MoreAnti-GMO group can’t get labeling bill introduced
The perception that California is a world leader in far-reaching environmental laws has never been true when it comes to GMOs — genetically modified organisms, usually crops that have been altered and the food products they end up in. The
Read MoreSilicon Valley’s vanishing middle class
When you read the biographies of Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and other early Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, one thing to note is their middle-class origins. Jobs’ father, Paul, was a mechanic and carpenter. Wozniak’s father was an engineer. They went to
Read MoreCalSTRS bailout cost: Pension tsunami laps at CA shores
Gov. Jerry Brown’s relative stinginess in seeking to hold the line on social services spending and in demanding an end to the practice of state education bonds paying for local districts’ construction dumbfounds some Democrats, who cite a healthier economy
Read MorePort strife ends — but damage was done
As mentioned in a Feb. 14 blog, the West Coast dock strife wasn’t likely to last long because of the new competition from Gulf Coast and Mexican ports. So now a new contract has been reached with dock workers. Yet any shipping
Read MoreGas tax could be cut
Golden State drivers might soon enjoy a little tax relief at the pump. The Board of Equalizati0n announced: Sacramento – The California State Board of Equalization (BOE) will consider lowering the excise tax rate for gasoline by $0.075 for Fiscal
Read MoreNew York Times’ brutal take on CA green jobs revisited
The promises of Gov. Jerry Brown and predecessor Arnold Schwarzenegger that green jobs and the green economy would be the backbone of California’s economic comeback seem all but forgotten. Brown didn’t even mention all his 2010 promises in his successful
Read MoreHow long will dock strife last?
Things are different now for West Coast ports because of increased competition from Mexico and the Gulf Coast of the United States. So the ongoing strife over dockyard workers out here is likely to be resolved faster than in the
Read MoreWarnings about AB32 sink in with national media
Since California’s adoption of Assembly Bill 32 in 2006, business interests have emphasized the law’s long-term effects on economic competitiveness. The measure requires the state to shift to cleaner-but-costlier forms of energy, reaching 33 percent of electricity supplies by 2020.
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