Back to homepageNitrogen fix could cancel CA fertilizer tax
A natural bacterial colonization process could end the proposed regulation of agricultural nitrate and taxation of fertilizer in California. Energy costs to produce synthetic nitrogen fertilizers could also be eliminated. It could also eventually render unnecessary overkill stormwater regulations in
Read MoreCailfornia’s Khmer Rouge regime
Kay Lim and Ken Chea — or their families — survived the murderous Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia, when a third of the Cambodian people were murdered in the name of the people. In America, the government
Read MoreDan Morain (aka George Skelton Jr.) has bullet train ‘scoop’
So a Sacramento Superior Court judge agrees with Quentin Kopp, the father of California’s bullet train, that how the state is pursuing the project flouts state law. So the judge tells the state it has to have all the funds
Read MoreMicro-managed grid short-circuting CA market electricity
In Germany, merchant-energy companies are considering moving to other countries where they can make a profit. Such companies are private firms that operate electricity generators. They are separate from public utilities, such as the Southern California Edison Company, or
Read MoreBullet train: Judge shows taxpayers may be saved by Prop. 1A
The Friday ruling by a Sacramento judge that the California High-Speed Rail Authority was violating the 2008 state law providing funds for the bullet-train project was the first good news that the many foes of the project have had in
Read MoreRainfall study contradicts CA water policy
In the mid-1970s, it was common for many Santa Barbara County communities to deny water meters to limit growth and development. Santa Barbara experienced periodic droughts up until 1991, when it finally built a pipeline connecting to the State Water
Read MoreA viable alternative to high-speed rail?
. When Elon Musk talks, people listen. He’s earned street cred — as in Wall Street — from co-founding the company that grew into PayPal; co-founding Tesla Motors, the most successful electric car start-up company; and founding SpaceX, to which
Read MoreBullet train folly inspires sci-fi-esque breakthrough?
The lead story on Drudge for part of the weekend was about SpaceX and Telsa inventor-guru-visionary Elon Musk championing Hyperloop, a new type of travel system that he claims could move people faster than the speed of sound. That may
Read MoreCritics charge flap reveals Sac Bee’s pro-arena agenda
Critics have taken issue with the Sacramento Bee’s coverage of a Sacramento arena deal. Last Thursday, the Bee featured a story under the headline, “PAC pushes Sacramento arena vote but won’t say where it is getting money.” The story claimed that Taxpayers
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