Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Scandalous State Parks dept needs privatization

July 16, 2012 Katy Grimes: While the State Parks and Recreation department, under agency Director Ruth Coleman’s leadership, has been soliciting private donations to keep state parks open, top agency employees were bilking the state for vacation pay buyouts. Is it

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‘Eureka!’ California stinks!

July 16, 2012 By Katy Grimes I write this with a heavy heart, under duress, and with a longing for what once was, in my home state… “The land of milk and honey” has curdled and soured. “The Golden State”

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Record social engineering bills by state

July 10, 2012 By Katy Grimes California’s historic decline is not just limited to bad economic policy; California politicians have been meddling in people’s bedrooms, churches, women’s wombs, classrooms, kitchens, autos, bank accounts, and in the courtroom. Social engineering Is

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Skelton misleads on car tax

June 28, 2012 By John Seiler Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton recently was feted by liberal journos and others for reporting on California for 50 years. Actually, usually he’s been just a rubber stamp for the centralized tyranny known

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Assembly committee kills bond misuse bill

June 20, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — California’s bond debt is on steroids, but it’s the taxpaying residents who will be responsible for the financial meltdown. California politicians are well known for their budget fund shifts, “borrowing” from agencies and

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Roger Clemens found not guilty

June 18, 2012 By John Seiler Some good news for a change. Roger Clemens, the greatest pitcher of our time, just was found not guilty of perjury. In 2008, he made the mistake of testifying before the U.S. Congress, instead

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‘Reforms’ will raise California taxes

June 18, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — God help California from its current crop of wealthy “moderates” who believe that the only thing that will save our state is a dose of higher taxes. They continue to embrace electoral

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The tangled web of High-speed spending

June 11, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — With the looming state budget deadline of June 15, most lawmakers are at least pretending to have budget issues in their sights at the moment. But there are still thousands of bills

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Assembly passes bad Cap and Trade bill

May 29, 2012 Katy Grimes: The Assembly today passed the controversial Cap and Trade bill,  Assembly Bill 1532, by Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles, which would deposit Cap and Trade carbon credit permit monies into a new Greenhouse Gas

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California counting its carbon tax riches

May 29, 2012 By Katy Grimes While the rest of the country shuns carbon trading schemes, California politicians continue to embrace the concept, and are forging ahead with a Cap and Trade carbon trading system. But eight states have dropped

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