Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Cap & Trade will socialize your power bill

May 22, 2012 By Wayne Lusvardi The mere mention of the words Cap and Trade in California and people just tune out because it sounds too complicated to understand.   While it is complicated, it is nevertheless understandable. What we’re learning

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The world according to CARB

May 18, 2012 By Katy Grimes Recently, a memo sent out by the California Air Resources Board referred to the industries CARB has identified as polluters as California’s “regulated class.” These polluters are now subject to the heavy-handed rule and

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Brown’s new budget attacks producers

May 14, 2012 By John Seiler Gov. Jerry Brown’s May Revise to his 2012-13 budget proposal, released today, only will club more producers into leaving the state. It calls for $8.5 billion in tax increases from the initiative he is

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Minor traffic violations hit ‘little people’

May 9, 2012 By John Seiler Minor traffic fines are a part of life. They’re supposed to warn us not to do something again: park by a fire hydrant, park where the curb is the wrong color, park with an

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Politics has gone to the dogs

May 4, 2012 By Katy Grimes My neighbor likes to tell me that her dog has a higher intellect than my dog. And it’s not because my “Gus” is a police dog dropout. This neighbor, a socially challenged, liberal scientist,

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CA stands alone in ending global warming

May 7, 2012 By Katy Grimes I’ve always believed that everything is economic. It appears that this is true, even with climate change mandates. But even insolvency may not be an important enough reason for global warming apologists in California

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Darrell Steinberg wants you in an ant farm

May 2, 2012 By John Seiler The second most poweful politician in California is Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento; after Gov. Jerry Brown. Steinberg’s background is with labor unions. And he represents the state capitol — that is, state

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Jerry Brown loses it on ‘Face the Nation’

May 2, 2012 By John Seiler If you want to see why California is in such a mess, make sure to watch the video of Gov. Jerry Brown’s appearance on “Face the Nation.” CBS doesn’t allow embedding, but you can watch

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Prop. 25 never promised accountability

April 30, 2012 By Katy Grimes California voters were duped by Democratic politicians, and they will probably do it again. Proposition 25, the “no budget, no pay” measure, was the creation of über liberal former state Sen. John Burton. Prop

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Calif. just for rich folks now

April 28, 2012 By John Seiler California is just for rich folks now. If you’re middle class, I suggest getting out. If you’re poor, you can get EBT cards, Section 8 housing, etc., but then you’re hooked into the government

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