Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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AB 32 Turning Into Pollution Pork

JUNE 13, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Call it “pollution pork.” Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been gone only five months and his most beloved legacy, AB 32, already is being cut up like an Austrian wiener schnitzel. AB 32 is the

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Political Predator Should Resign

Katy Grimes: It’s difficult to ignore the strange and creepy saga of Democratic Rep. Anthony Wiener from New York – particularly since increasingly, elected officials seem to behave as though they are above the laws they make. Stories of Congressman

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Train Wreck Keeps Rolling

Katy Grimes: With the Legislature’s ongoing guaranteed votes to allow California’s High Speed Rail Authority project to continue without financial analysis or ridership studies,  it is apparent that High Speed Rail has become the latest New Deal-styled WPA project for

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'Oscar Welfare Bill' Passes Assembly

JUNE 1, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Legislators in the Assembly voted overwhelmingly yesterday to approve what amounts to another $500 million tax credit for Hollywood. But not everyone was enamored of the latest entitlement bill for the rich and famous.

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CA GOP Should Divorce Arnold

John Seiler: Ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s wife, Maria, is divorcing him. California Republicans should do the same. For years, Arnold courted, then seduced Republicans. He used his superstar movie persona to trick them into trusting them. He cooed in their ears the

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Walters Wrong: Arnold DID Wreck Budget

MAY 30, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Dan Walters is the dean of California columnists. But sometimes he gets one wrong. In the wake of ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s personal problems, attacks have increased on Arnold’s performance as governor, especially on the

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Enquirer: Arnold Guards Covered Up

John Seiler: Arnold’s past finally is catching up with him. The latest comes from the National Enquirer. Sure, the tabloid doesn’t exactly have the most sterling reputation. On the other hand, they’re the ones who got the goods on John

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Why Are We Surprised at Arnold?

John Seiler: Although other people have been surprised, I must say that I haven’t been surprised at any of the revelations about ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his gutter morality. When he ran for governor back in 2003, all the indications

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Arnold Is a Power-Loving Phony

MAY 23, 2011 Last weekend I watched one of my favorite movies, “Total Recall,” a 1990 sci-fi flick based on a Philip K. Dick novel and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Is Schwarzenegger’s character an intergalactic double agent who saves the mutants

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California Now a 'Zombie State'

MAY 23, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In our 18 months online, we at CalWatchDog.com have detailed the massive burden of government that weighs down our state. We’ve also sometimes criticized Dan Walters for backing tax increases. He’s the dean of

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