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Tag "Big Pharma"

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L.A. County supervisors vote not to saddle pharmaceutical companies with cost of needle disposal

Los Angeles County supervisors have decided against establishing a program in the nation’s most populous county that would have required the makers of common products to be responsible for the cost of their disposal. The decision came as a big

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L.A. County may assign syringe cleanup costs to Big Pharma

Next month, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors appears poised to require pharmaceutical companies to oversee and pay for the collection and disposal of  syringes (known as “sharps”) and unused prescription drugs. The measure is unusual in that it assigns

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Resigning lawmaker Henry Perea takes job with pharmaceutical industry

Assemblyman Henry Perea, who announced earlier this month his intention to resign from the Legislature, has revealed that he’ll be taking a job with the pharmaceutical industry. State law bans the Fresno Democrat from lobbying his former colleagues for one year following his tenure

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Obamacare Will Amputate California Dream

FEB. 28, 2012 by WAYNE LUSVARDI Rationing health care under Obamacare will end up politicizing and bankrupting the medical financing system, just as Medicare does.  And there will be middle-class resistance to Obamacare when it is realized that this will

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