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Tag "bullet train"

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Bullet-train blog urges $29B in new CA taxes to save project

These are melancholy and bitter times for the California High Speed Rail Blog. Overseer Robert Cruickshank has reacted to Judge Michael Kenny’s rulings blocking the project by decrying the taxpayer protections in the 2008 ballot measure authorizing $9.95 billion in

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Bullet train: Denial is a river in Sacramento

The meeting Thursday of the board of the California High-Speed Rail Authority was a laugh riot, with authority officials dismissing state and federal setbacks as much ado about nothing. This is from the Mercury-News: “SACRAMENTO — Critics and many political

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Grim LAT: Bullet train $25B short. Dim Sac Bee: What $25B? All soon to be well!

On Monday, a Sacramento judge dealt a devastating setback to the California bullet train. The most serious of several obstacles in two decisions released by Judge Michael Kenny was his ruling that the $68 billion project didn’t have a legal

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Bullet train dead in water — yet state to proceed with eminent domain

Eminent domain is one of the greatest government assaults on individual rights that one sees on a regular basis in the United States. Even in its purer form, in which land is seized for projects with broad general public benefit,

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End game on bullet train: No $, no project — and no prospects for $

Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny’s issued a double-whammy ruling Monday. He barred the use of bond funds for the state bullet-train project until it had adequate funding and complete environmental reviews for its first 300-mile segment. He also blocked

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Attorney General’s Office: Bullet-train law not binding on Legislature

The bullet-train project doesn’t have a legal financing plan or adequate environmental rules, according to an Aug. 16 decision by Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny. The state Attorney General’s Office doesn’t dispute that part of Kenny’s ruling. Instead, it

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Friday hearing: Will judge ‘have the [guts]’ to shut down bullet train?

On Aug. 16, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny handed down a landmark ruling against the $68 billion California bullet-train project. Kenny held that the state High-Speed Rail Authority’s plan to begin construction in the Central Valley in coming months

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Awful failure of CA inspectors points to public-private competence gap

A nightmarish story out of the Bay Area offers fresh evidence of the enormous gap in competence between the private and public sectors. This is from the San Francisco Chronicle: “The owner of the Castro Valley care home where residents

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State bullet-train contracts appear to violate federal grant conditions

Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny’s Aug. 16 ruling concluded that the California High-Speed Rail Authority would break state law if it proceeded with construction of a small first portion of the state’s bullet-train project without having full funding in

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Smaller paper tears into bullet train; LAT maintains editorial silence

The Riverside Press-Enterprise last week published a crisp, definitive take on the bullet-train project's recent legal setbacks. Which indirectly raises the question: When will California's largest and most influential paper weigh in on this big issue? Here's part of the

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