Tag "jobs"
Back to homepageMarin County joins Dark Side of Force
May 11, 2012 By Katy Grimes When you think of arugula, champagne and caviar, the Ritz Hotel and the Upper West Side, what often comes to mind is effete, out of touch elitists … limousine liberals who deem themselves the upper
Read MoreKilling off business for college students
May 8, 2012 By Katy Grimes The widening chasm of political philosophy was on display Monday in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee, as one side argued for higher taxes on businesses, and the other pushed to continue with the
Read MorePolitics has gone to the dogs
May 4, 2012 By Katy Grimes My neighbor likes to tell me that her dog has a higher intellect than my dog. And it’s not because my “Gus” is a police dog dropout. This neighbor, a socially challenged, liberal scientist,
Read MoreCA stands alone in ending global warming
May 7, 2012 By Katy Grimes I’ve always believed that everything is economic. It appears that this is true, even with climate change mandates. But even insolvency may not be an important enough reason for global warming apologists in California
Read MoreAffirmative action attacks GATE school program
May 4, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO–If you thought that affirmative action was dead in California, think again. In fact, California Democrats behave as if it was never outlawed, and continue to pass laws mandating racial preferences. The Assembly passed
Read MoreAB 32 Cap and trade hearings high on speculation, low on details
May 3, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — A recent poll about the implementation of AB 32 shows that California voters and taxpayers aren’t real crazy about cap and trade or regulatory reporting regulations. Cap and trade programs mandate reduced
Read MoreFree college tax bill would cost CA businesses
May 2, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — Faced with a growing state deficit, instead of cutting the size of California’s government programs, lawmakers have squeezed higher education. With dramatically higher tuition in just a few years, it’s the the middle class
Read MoreState-required reporting on LGBT businesses
May 1, 2012 By Katy Grimes Democrats in the Assembly passed a bill on Monday requiring the Department of General Services to collect and report information on lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender owned businesses in contracting with the state. The bill, AB
Read MoreHigh-speed rail officials: arrogant and dismissive
May 1, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — A hearing at the Capitol Monday proved once again that high-speed rail officials live in a bubble and are far too comfortable in their roles spending billions of dollars of other people’s
Read MoreProp. 25 never promised accountability
April 30, 2012 By Katy Grimes California voters were duped by Democratic politicians, and they will probably do it again. Proposition 25, the “no budget, no pay” measure, was the creation of über liberal former state Sen. John Burton. Prop
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