Tag "John Perez"

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New Brown budget pushes tax increases

May 14, 2012 By Brian Calle Gov. Jerry Brown and his allies, in predictable fashion, are using California’s latest $16 billion budget black hole as a tool to justify big tax hikes. Brown did so today in presenting the May

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The Prop. 25 bait and switch

April 27, 2012 By Joseph Perkins For years, Sacramento’s tax-and-spend Democrats tried to figure out a way to persuade California voters to amend the state Constitution to require a simple — rather than two-thirds — majority of the Legislature to

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AB 1500 Would Kill More Calif. Businesses

MARCH 15, 2012 By KATY GRIMES The Assembly Speaker and fellow Democrats are aggressively pushing a dangerous business-killing bill, designed to penalize out-of-state businesses operating in California. Clearly, these legislators do not recognize the importance of all business contributions to

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Petty Lawsuit Shows Leaders’ Motive

Katy Grimes: A petty lawsuit filed by Assembly Speaker John Perez and Senate Pres. Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg against the state Controller demonstrates the legal levels the Democratic leaders are willing to go. While it may sound as if this

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Term Limits Were a Big Bust

John Seiler: Back in 1990, I wrote many editorials for the Orange County Register backing Proposition 140, which limited the terms of state legislators. Senators could serve only two four-year terms; assemblymen only three two-year terms. It was supposed to

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Legislators Ordered to Forfeit Pay

JUNE 22, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Do the job right or don’t get paid. That was State Controller John Chaing’s message yesterday to the California Legislature. Chiang told media that the math did not add up in the budget passed

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Boo-Hoo: Perez Upset At Pay Loss

John Seiler: Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles, finally knows what it feels like to be the victim of his own policies. For years, he and other legislators have assaulted California businesses and jobs with absurdly high taxes and regulations.

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CA Dems Hold Looters' Convention

MAY 2, 2011 By JOHN SEILER H.L. Mencken called elections “advanced auctions of stolen goods.” That certainly was true of last November’s election, in which Gov. Jerry Brown and other Democrats auctioned off California taxpayers’ money to the public-employee unions.

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Will July CA Tax Cuts Spur Recovery?

APRIL 14, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In the hullabaloo over extending tax increases, one thing is being overlooked: As things now stand, on July 1, just 10 weeks away, California gets some pretty hefty tax cuts. You’ll have more change

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Brown, GOP Reach Budget Deal

John Seiler: In early negotiations Friday, Gov. Jerry Brown reached a budget agreement with Republican legislators to increase taxes $12 billion — without a ballot measure. Votes in the Assembly and Senate are expected later in the day. Two Republicans

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