Tag "John Roberts"
Back to homepageTrump court pick could be consequential to California Teachers Association
While it may not be immediately apparent, Donald Trump’s victory in last week’s presidential election has deep implications for the balance of political power in California. Because of his win, there could soon be a fifth vote on the U.
Read MoreHigh court ruling a blow to California SEIU
In a fresh demonstration that the Roberts court is incrementalist and not the wild-eyed bunch that some on the left assert, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-4 in favor of an appeal that argued that in-home care workers in Illinois
Read MoreCourt thwarts CA officials’ cynical race-racket coverup
Chief Justice John Roberts’ 2009 opinion calling government racial quotas a “sordid business” hits the spot. Sordid also pretty much describes all government racial maneuvering and gamesmanship. Consider the case now playing out in California courts: “SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —
Read MoreDoes Pelosi know where the most segregated U.S. cities are?
June 26, 2013 By Chris Reed The howls from California Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were instantaneous over the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the special powers over local and state elections given to the Justice Department need to
Read MoreSupreme Court’s affirmative-action debate puts focus on UC’s shabby history
Oct. 11, 2012 By Chris Reed The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in Fisher v. the University of Texas, the latest big affirmative-action case to reach SCOTUS. Conservative justices used their questions to establish how intentionally slippery and vague UT
Read MoreObamaCare decision helps a muddled GOP
June 28, 2012 By Steven Greenhut From Watchdog.org The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Thursday upholding the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s sweeping health-care law was, of course, shocking given that everyone — including, reportedly, the president and his administration —
Read MoreSupreme Soviet upholds Obamacare dicatates
June 28, 2012 By John Seiler This just in: The Supreme Soviet just upheld the Obamacare socialized medicine scheme. The controversial “mandate” will just be relabeled a “tax.” The majority opinion was written by “conservative” Chief Justice John Roberts. So
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