Tag "John Seiler"

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Elmer Fudd Translates Jerry’s Speech

John Seiler: To help us better understand, here’s Elmer Fudd translating Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State speech for us: As weqwiwed by the state constitution, I am wepowting to you this mowning on the condition of ouw state.

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Biased Title for Jerry’s Tax Initiative

John Seiler: Get a load of this title AG Kamala Harris gave Gov. Jerry Brown’s $7 billion tax-hike initiative: “TEMPORARY TAXES TO FUND EDUCATION. GUARANTEED LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY FUNDING.” That should trick a couple hundred California voters into voting for

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Live-Blogging Brown State-of-State

John Seiler: I’m going to live-blog Gov. Jerry Brown’s State-of-the-State address, at 10 am on Jan. 18, 2012. Assuming the technology works. You can watch his address online here. Let’s blog! 9:43 am: A minister is leading a prayer. I

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DeVore Thriving in Free Texas

John Seiler: People keep fleeing repressive California — with its hereditary Dear Leader, Kim Jong Brown — for the free state of Texas. One of the latest was Chuck DeVore, formerly a California assemblyman and candidate for the U.S. Senate.

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Spain’s High-Speed Boondoggle

John Seiler: Spain also has wasted money on a high-speed rail boondoggle, one they actually built. The Bee ran an article on it that tried to make the Iberian choo-choo sound better than it is. But the facts still were

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Brown Gang Can’t Tax Straight

John Seiler: The Three Stooges have taken over California government. Gov. Jerry Brown’s regime couldn’t even type up its tax-increase initiative scheme without botching it. Correcting the error, Brown sent a letter to the attorney general: (ii) For that portion

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Brown: Botch Housing Even More

John Seiler: The housing crisis of recent years was caused by the government itself. The Federal Reserve Board — a quasi-private bank whose directors are appointed by the president — has debased the dollar while keeping interest rates artificially low.

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UC Imposes PC Smoking Ban

John Seiler: Even though it’s advertised as a health measure, smoking bans actually are Politically Correct posturing. They say, “I’m better than you. You’re a working-class schlub for smoking. I’m an elitist, over-educated, Politically Correct snob. Stop enjoying yourself.” You

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CA Should Sell Univ. Football Teams

John Seiler: To avoid bankruptcy, any sensible business or family begins selling things: cars, TVs, computers, office furniture, etc. Otherwise, the stuff might be sold anyway at a bankruptcy auction. Not California. The state owns billions of dollars of property

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LAO: Brown Numbers Don’t Compute

JAN. 12, 2012 By JOHN SEILER Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget proposal contains more smoke than a forest fire. More mirrors than a funhouse. And more empty promises than a presidential candidate’s platform. So much for his solemn pledge, in his

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