Tag "John Seiler"

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Why Jerry Will Kill High-Speed Rail

John Seiler: It’s High-Speed Rail fanatic Jerry Brown who himself will kill the California High-Speed Rail Authority. The reason: His first priority this year is passing his $7 billion tax increase ( which might only bring in $4.8 billion, according

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Why Not Use Last Year’s Budget?

John Seiler: Is California sliding into the Pacific Ocean? Are there riots in the streets? Are Californians starving to death? None of the above. Then the solution to the state budget problem is simple: Just rinse and repeat the fiscal

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Berkeley Mgr. Grabs $266K Pension

John Seiler: Say, wasn’t Berkeley the most liberal, progressive, hippest and hippiest place around? The Free Speech movement (pictured at right)? Anti-Vietnam War protests? Political Correctness that would make Mao envious? Ah, forget it. As it always does, it comes

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‘Inflation Tax’ Already Striking CA

JAN. 9, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Californians won’t have to wait for tax increases, such as the several that could be put before voters in the November election. One proposal is Gov. Jerry Brown’s $7 billion tax increase. Tax increases

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Arnold’s Bentley Sales Up 37%

John Seiler: I’ve been keeping tabs here on the hypocrisy of ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love of gigantic, gas-guzzling dinosaurs. Since leaving office, he’s been photographed tooling around in a Mercedes G-Wagon SUV, so big it needs an entire Persian Gulf

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Chart Shows Jobs Stagnation

John Seiler: One thing I keep blogging about is that the U.S. economy really has not grown in about 13 years. For example, there’s been no growth in median incomes in California. A new chart, below, shows there’s been no net

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U.S., CA Debt Explained in 3 min.

John Seiler: The following 3 minute video explains what’s wrong with government debt. It specifically concerns the federal debt of $15.2 trillion (the number has gone up since the video). But it also applies to California’s $500 billion debt for government-worker

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Brown Budget Backs Tax Increases

JAN. 5, 2012 By JOHN SEILER Gov. Jerry Brown today released a budget proposal that reaffirmed his fealty to the public-employee unions. It’s for fiscal year 2012-13, which begins on July 1, 2012. The budget would rise to $92.5 billion

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California GOP Never Learns

John Seiler: California desperately needs a competitive second party to challenge the mega-majority Democrats. Too bad the main alternative is the Republicans. The GOP’s inbred attitude was shown yesterday when state Senate Republicans — the handful of them — elected

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Choo-Choo Boondoggle Runs Off Cliff

John Seiler: Ding-dong, the stupid bullet train is dead. It’s all over but the scrambling for a couple hundred million dollars of our tax money in various funds. The California High-Speed Rail Peer Review Group yesterday issued a report condemning the

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