Tag "John Seiler"

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California Faces Decisive 2012

BY JOHN SEILER JAN. 4, 2012 It’s fun to gloat about our great weather when calling freezing relatives Back East on New Year’s Day. And some good things are keeping the sun shining this year. Silicon Valley’s global technology dominance

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Beautiful Kim Faces Ugly Tax Increase

Commentary JAN. 4, 2012 By JOHN SEILER It sounds like a sequel to a Clint Eastwood movie: The Beautiful, the Bad and the Ugly.” The beautiful is Kim Kardashian. The bad are the tax increasers. And the ugly is the

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Gun-Freedom Areas Should Split CA

John Seiler: California obviously is a divide state that ought to be divided in two — at least. That clearly is shown in the following map of how easy to get a concealed carry weapon’s permit in California. The map

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Art Pedroza Starts Great New Blog

John Seiler: Our old friend Art Pedroza has started a great new blog, OCPoliticsBlog.com. I’ve known Art for something like 15-20 years. Back when I was at the Orange County Register in the 1990s, he wrote great letters to the

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Your Tax Money Stays in Vegas

The state is broke and cutting budgets sharply. Yet the prison guards are heading for a high time in Vegas — at the taxpayers’ expense. Reports the State Worker: The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has set aside about $350,000 to pay

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Govt. Raids Calif. Raw Milk Producer

If you want a treat, drink some raw milk. It’s tastes so much better — and is better for you — than the chalky pasturized stuff. The same with raw cheese and butter. It does cost more. That is, if

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Crash! CA Revenue Will Nosedive

Crash! The 2011-12 budget passed by the Democrats in the Legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown just a month ago projected $4 billion in extra revenues. Ain’t gonna get it. It was a delusion then and it’s an even

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Assembly Must Open Secret Budget

The leadership in the California Assembly seems to think it’s the Supreme Soviet, the legislative body of the old Soviet Union. It’s not. The Assembly represents the people of California. And the people have the right to know what’s going

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Calif. Jobless Above Twice Mexico’s

There’s a lot wrong in Mexico. The recent murder spree is one, although that’s largely because the Mexican government is following U.S. government orders to intensify the “war” on drugs. The Mexicans should tell the Yanqui to get lost. Another part

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FBI Checks Cop Killing in Fullerton

On July 5, Fullerton police beat to death an unarmed, harmless man, Kelly Thomas. The great Friends for Fullerton’s Future investigative news site has been breaking this story, and the Fullerton PD’s cover up of the six thug-cops, for weeks.

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