Tag "John Seiler"

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Zombie Recovery: CA Jobless Rate Jumps

JULY 22, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California is suffering what I call a “Zombie Recovery.” The state economy is walking, but dead. Today the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released new numbers for June 2011 showing that California’s unemployment rose

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Arnold Involved In Birth Cert Fraud?

John Seiler: Forget the President Obama “Birther” controversy over his birth certificate. What I want to know is: When did ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger find out that his name was not on the birth certificate for the “love child” he had with

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Term Limits Were a Big Bust

John Seiler: Back in 1990, I wrote many editorials for the Orange County Register backing Proposition 140, which limited the terms of state legislators. Senators could serve only two four-year terms; assemblymen only three two-year terms. It was supposed to

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Feds Wasted Most of $17 Bil. CA Stimulus

JULY 20, 2011 By JOHN SEILER How did the federal government actually spend the 2009 stimulus money in California? In March 2009 the California Legislative Analyst made a study of proposed spending on the officially named American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. But

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CA Loses $727K on Green Car Flop

John Seiler: Governments almost always lose money when the try to out-guess market demand by investing the taxpayers’ money in a product. It just happened again as the city of Salinas lost $540,000 it invested in a green car company

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Radio: Lusvardi Blasts Enviro Crazies

John Seiler: On June 15, our colleague Wayne Lusvardi appeared on AM 600 KOGO in San Diego. Click here for a podcast. The host is Chris Reed, an editorialist with the San Diego Union. Wayne discusses his recent article, “CA

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Gov. Brown Chases Business to Vegas

John Seiler: Gov. Jerry Brown and the other anti-business fanatics in the Legislature and government unions just don’t get it: If you attack businesses, they leave California. A recent departure was Pixel2Canvas, which split Lake Forest for North Las Vegas.

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Economic Decline Accelerating

John Seiler: The recent phony budget deal that Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law anticipated $4 billion in extra revenues from a booming economy. Oops. All the indicators coming out show that the economy is declining again, meaning tax revenues

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I'll Drink to AB 1014

John Seiler: After a six-month assault on Californians’ pocketbooks and liberties, the Legislature finally did something right: It passed AB 1014, which allows small beer makers to open tasting rooms. Reported SignOnSanDiego: Current law bars breweries from opening a tasting

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Hahn Victory Portends Obama Defeat

JULY 13, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Yesterday Democrat Janice Hahn beat Republican Craig Huey to fill the 36th Congressional District, a severely gerrymandered district covering much of Southwest Los Angeles. But her victory total, getting just 55 percent, was a

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