Tag "John Seiler"

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California Tax Receipts Crashing

John Seiler: As I reported last week, there was little likelihood that California would get $4 billion in extra tax receipts the rest of the year. Yet two weeks ago the Democratic Legislature passed a “balanced” budget which included that

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Amazon Rallies Affiliates to Fight Tax

JULY 12, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Amazon.com didn’t waste time in working to repeal the so-called “Amazon” tax. The tax was passed last month by the Democratic-controlled Legislature and signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown. The tax is

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N.Beach Cops: $5,600 To Wash Hogs

John Seiler: Our friend and colleague Brian Calle reports in the Orange County Register: It pays well to wash your motorcycle if you are a cop in Newport Beach, where officers who patrol on motor bikes are paid an additional

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Lopez: TaxTaxTaxTaxTaxTaxTax

John Seiler: L.A. Times columnist Steve Lopez continues his tax obsession with another attack on Proposition 13. His title is, “Speaking the unspeakable in California politics” — except that the “unspeakable” has been spoken continuously ever since voters passed Prop.

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Amazon Tax Already Killing CA Biz

John Seiler: The “Amazon” tax imposed Gov. Jerry “Jobs Killer” Brown and the Democratic Legislature, at the behest of the government unions that control them, already is killing scores of California businesses. Reports Jan Norman of the Orange County Register:

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Unions Might Seek 43% Tax Increase

JULY 10, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s government unions could seek a 43 percent tax increase on wealthy Californians. The Contra Costa Times reported on the action, but missed the magnitude of the tax increase. The Times: SACRAMENTO — Labor leaders were

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Smaller Classrooms Hurt Kids

John Seiler: I’ve been fighting for at least 15 years the bad idea that smaller classrooms necessarily are better. California enacted class-size reductions in the mid-1990s. With budget problems, that “reform” now is being reviewed. The class-size reductions were advanced

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U.S., Calif. Economies Crashing?

John Seiler: Californians should thank the ghost of Hiram Johnson that taxes weren’t raised in the new budget, and that we got a little tax cut on July 1. Gov. Jerry Brown, the Democratic Legislature and the government unions that

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Schwarzenegger Carbon Footprint ↑

John Seiler: Here’s the latest on the Schwarzenegger split: It now definitely looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s estranged wife Maria Shriver will not be back. The former TV journalist is looking to splash some of her fortune on a $10 million

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Steinberg Proves He's a Union Hack

John Seiler: As if we needed more proof, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg showed that his philosophy of government is: of the government unions, by the government unions, for the government unions. Taxpayers are just slaves who pay for

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