Tag "John Seiler"

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Arnold: Blame Oprah

John Seiler: Now Arnold’s blaming Oprah for his marital problems. Reports Celebs.gather.com: Yes, the disgraced former California governator now blames Oprah Winfrey for the dissolution of his marriage. He’s recently learned that it was the talk show powerhouse/media mogul who

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John Chiang Blazes Future of CA Politics

JUNE 27, 2011 By JOHN SEILER As they said in old-school physics, nature abhors a vacuum. Passed last November, Proposition 25 marginalized California Republicans by dropping from two-thirds to a majority the threshold for passing a state budget. That left the

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Why the Leg Will Pass a Budget Soon

John Seiler: California Legislators’ pay is suspended until they pass a budget. But they’ll do that soon. The Beatles explain what their spouses are telling them: June 24, 2011

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Forecast: California Economy Stagnating

JUNE 23, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s economy is growing at a slower pace even than the stagnating U.S. Economy. California jobs creation is sharply lower than U.S. jobs creation. The state, basically, has missed the modest recovery of the

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Amazon Tax Would Slam eBay, Too

John Seiler: Our Katy Grimes first wrote a story, two days ago, about how the tax-ravenous Legislature’s attempt to tax Amazon, a company based in Washington state, also would slam eBay, which is located right here in San Jose. The

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Boo-Hoo: Perez Upset At Pay Loss

John Seiler: Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles, finally knows what it feels like to be the victim of his own policies. For years, he and other legislators have assaulted California businesses and jobs with absurdly high taxes and regulations.

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Controller Chiang Docks Leg Pay

John Seiler: In an unprecedented move, Controller John Chiang just suspended Legislators’ pay for not passing a budget by June 15, as is required by Proposition 25. In a press release, his office explained his action: His analysis sought to

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Calif. Economy 47th Worst of States

JUNE 21, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s stagnating economy suffered more bad news by ranking 47th of the 50 states for economic outlook. The ranking comes from the new, fourth edition of “Rich States, Poor States: The ALEC-Laffer State Economic

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Medi-Cal Exec Grabs $515 K Salary

John Seiler: The head of Orange County’s Medi-Cal socialized medicine program makes a whopping $515,743 salary, the Orange County Register reported: The top ten executives at CalOptima, Orange County’s $1.3 billion Medi-Cal program, are in line this year to earn bonuses

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The Paycheck Protection Budget

JUNE 17, 2011 The California Legislature just passed a budget. Less than 24 hours later, the governor vetoed it, leaving many political wonks scratching their heads in wonderment at why Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a budget from his own party.

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