Tag "John Seiler"

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CA Could Have Worst Jobless Rate

John Seiler: California never has had the worst U.S. unemployment rate. During the Great Depression, we weren’t hit as hard as most other states. Hollywood and the aerospace industry took off. Food exports to other states and the world grew.

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California Now a 'Zombie State'

MAY 23, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In our 18 months online, we at CalWatchDog.com have detailed the massive burden of government that weighs down our state. We’ve also sometimes criticized Dan Walters for backing tax increases. He’s the dean of

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Remembering Alan Bock

John Seiler: Our great colleague Alan Bock died last week. Scott Horton conducted three interviews about him that now are online, with Steven Greenhut, Riverside bookstore owner and libertarian Gene Berkman, and myself. Alan was a principled and charitable person and a

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Extremists Under the Bed!

John Seiler: The Extremists are Coming! In the comments section to my blog yesterday, “Recall Jerry Brown!” , are two related comments. Jeff Gallagher wrote: It’s clear that the Republicans have been unable to field a viable candidate [for governor]

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California Crossroads to Hell

John Seiler: According to legend, fabled bluesman Robert Johnson made a pact with the devil at a “crossroads” in Mississippi where he sold his soul to gain mastery of the blues. Eric Clapton long has played a version of Johnson’s

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CA Also Should Split from Arnold

John Seiler: Maria Shriver has split from ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger because she was tired of being treated badly and lied to, especially about his “love child.” California also should split from his policies. Although he’s gone from office, his seven

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Time is Ripe for California Flat Tax

MAY 18, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Now is the time for the innovative Gov. Jerry Brown of the 1970s to step forward and push aside the union hack who has impersonated him in the governor’s office since the January 3

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Recall Gov. Jerry Brown!

John Seiler: I’ve had enough. Four and a half months of Gov. Jerry Brown, Part Deux, is four and a half months too much. Last October, even before he was elected, I was the first to demand: Recall Gov. Jerry

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Healthy Families Budget Cancer Cut

John Seiler: Good news: Due to the state budget crunch of recent years, spending has been cut on the so-called “Healthy Families” state program. Healthy Families was imposed on the state during the regime of “moderate” Republican Gov. Pete Wilson

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May Revise Blows $6.6 B Tax Windfall

MAY 16, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Call it Government Math. In his January budget proposal for fiscal 2011-12, Gov. Jerry Brown insisted on $12 billion in yearly tax increases to help close a $25 billion budget deficit. Today, in his

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