Tag "John Seiler"

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Riverside-San B. Jobless Worst in US

John Seiler: I keep pointing out that the biggest crisis in California is not the state budget deficit of $26 billion, but the state’s staggering 12.4 percent jobless rate. Only Nevada is worse at 14.2 percent. Jobs First, I say:

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Dispense With the GOP Convention

John Seiler: Here’s one way Republicans really can help California: Cancel their convention this weekend. Save the money and invest it in local businesses. Or just go to local bars in their home districts and get drunk. The entire California

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Jobs First

John Seiler: Anti-tax folks seem to have a hard time pushing their message. Everything gets wrapped up in a “deal,” real or imagined, with Gov. Jerry Brown to put a vote on his $12 billion tax increase before voters in

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CA GOP Anti-Establishment Revolt

MARCH 17, 2011 BY JOHN SEILER Gov. Jerry Brown and his allies in the media and the Democratic Party are turning the budget battle into a question of patriotism. As reported by columnist George Skelton, Brown has reverted to Cold

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Field Poll: Cut Pensions

John Seiler: A new Field Poll shows that Californians back unions — but want pensions rolled back. As often is the case, the results are contradictory. It’s immense union power that, over the past 12 years, spiked pensions to unsustainable

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Miami Mayor Recalled for Tax Hikes

John Seiler: California legislators eager to put a tax increase on a special election ballot in June, as demanded by spendthrift Gov. Jerry Brown, should look to Miami. The people there just recalled Mayor Carlos Alvarez for the “Miami Vice”

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No No No No No to Budget Vote

John Seiler: Looks like a vote on the California budget might come tomorrow, Wednesday. Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg has scheduled a vote for 1 pm. Let’s hope it loses. Which would mean enough Republicans would have to stand

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Japan Quake Shaking CA Economy

MARCH 15, 2011 BY JOHN SEILER In the long run, California’s economy probably will not be greatly affected by the economic aftershocks of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. In the short run, it could be shaken in various ways.

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Alleged CalPERS Corruption

John Seiler: How much more of this are Californians going to take? Will another tax increase be needed? The L.A. Times reports: In a scathing report, a former chief executive of the California public employee pension fund was accused of

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Best Budget Deal is No Deal

John Seiler: State senate Republicans continue to be pressed to sell out and vote to put a tax-increase on a special June ballot. They should resist the temptation. The real problem remains profligate state spending from the Davis-Schwarzenegger years. The

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