Tag "John Seiler"

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Inflation Stalks CA Budgets

MARCH 4, 2011 BY JOHN SEILER Like a rerun of “That 70s Show,” inflation is back. And it’s hitting both personal and government budgets in California. The most obvious signal of renewed inflation is the rise in prices at the

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On Wisconsin! On to CA!

John Seiler: The best part about the turmoil in Wisconsin is that the government there is jammed up. AP reports: Wisconsin’s budget stalemate over union bargaining rights shows no sign of resolution – and it could be a long wait.

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Bonds = Delayed Tax Increases

John Seiler: For years now — even decades — I’ve called government bonds “delayed tax increases.” That’s because the bonds, eventually, must be paid off with money from the general fund. And if other government spending is to continue —

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Not Another Tax!

John Seiler: “Smoke ’em if you got ’em” was a saying back when I as in the U.S. Army 30 years ago. Now it’s “Tax ’em if you got ’em.” Lance Armstrong, the famed bicyclist, is obsessed with raising California

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Go John and Ken!

John Seiler: Especially when there’s a hot California politics topic in the air, I try to listen to KFI AM 640’s broadcast of John and Ken weekday afternoons. If you’re not in the Los Angeles area, you can listen to

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Dr. Lopez Misdiagnoses Unions

John Seiler: In his Sunday column, L.A. Times columnist Steve Lopez praises unions — but doesn’t distinguish between private and public unions. He writes: Neither of my parents went to college, but we always did just fine because my dad

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L.A. Junior College Boondoggle

John Seiler: “Poor planning, frivolous spending and shoddy workmanship” That’s the key phrase in an excellent L.A. Times investigative story that ran today on how a $5.7 billion L.A. community college bond was spent. Keep that in mind as Gov.

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Stop Maldo!

John Seiler: Let the cry go up across the land: Stop Maldonado! Taxpayer traitor Abel Maldonado now is running for U.S. Congress. It was just two years ago that, as a state senator, he sold taxpayers down the river by

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Jerry's Real Plan: $25 billion in Cuts?

John Seiler: Looking over Katy Grimes’ budget piece today on Jerry Brown’s testimony before the Legislature, “Is An All-Cuts Budget Ahead,” I was wondering: Does he want his tax increases to fail? Has he all along planned to have an

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Little Hoover: Cut Current Pensions

John Seiler: It’s not Wisconsin — yet. But today the Little Hoover Commission released a new report on California pensions that pushed forward the serious cutting of government-worker costs on the state budget. “Public Pensions for Retirement Security” is 106

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