Tag "John Seiler"

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Bill would mandate double time on holidays

A new bill would mandate double-time pay for some holidays. The Bee reported: Californians working through the holidays could get heftier paychecks under legislation that would mandate double pay for Thanksgiving and Christmas shifts. The legislation is by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez,

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Obama’s Thanksgiving turkey: 3,145 new regulations

As if the California Legislature passing nearly 1,000 new bills a year were not enough. President Obama’s White House just released 3,415 new regulations, making 330 millions Americans into turkeys just before Thanksgiving. The Daily Caller reported: While Americans are focused

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Oakland arts tax slams poor

With Californians increasingly being priced out of owning homes, what does progressive Oakland do? Make housing even more expensive. Reported the Chronicle: “The City Council passed a law this month that requires private developers to set aside 1 percent of

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Good news: State Senate cuts staff 4%

The good news keeps washing into California like a tubular wave. Due to budget problems, the California Senate cut its budget 4 percent. The Times reported: After years of turning down cost-of-living increases for its budget, the state Senate on

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How Gov. Brown could ace Napolitano on U.C. tuition

As Chris Reed noted last week, U.C. President Janet Napolitano has another thing coming if she thinks she can push a huge U.C. tuition hike past Gov. Jerry Brown. L.A. Times columnist George Skelton just agreed in a column titled, “Gov.

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CA suffers country’s most expensive real estate

Who can afford to live here? The Los Angeles Times reported: Los Angeles County is the second-least affordable housing market in the country for a middle-class family…. That’s according to a new report out Tuesday from real estate website Trulia,

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Good news: Lantern brings Internet to everybody

Some good news. A new pocket-sized, solar-powered device, Lantern, brings the Internet to everybody — including the poorest people who have no local Internet. Lantern brings down satellite signals to your computer or smart phone, then lets you communicate with the

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What about that ‘global warming’?

No wonder environmentalist extremists changed “global warming,” as in AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, to “climate change.” The Northeast has been blanked by record cold and snow that makes it easier for us to put up

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Warning for CA: Japan’s tax increases sparked recession

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe just called for a snap election under their parliamentary system. We’ll soon see if voters affirm his tax-increase policies, which were supposed to restore strong growth but instead slammed the country into another slump. Due

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Bag ban repeal could reach 2016 ballot

Looks like a repeal of Gov. Jerry Brown’s ban on plastic bags in grocery stores could reach the 2016 ballot. Reported the Chronicle: SACRAMENTO — Plastic bag manufacturers have poured $2.7 million into efforts to overturn California’s statewide ban on

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