Tag "John Seiler"

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9th Circuit protects conceal-carry gun rights

What’s it with California politicians and their obsession with grabbing our guns? They are guarded by heavily armed state troopers, but want to deny the rest of us the right to defend ourselves against criminals. Across most of the rest

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Something good in CA: Fewer car inspections

Depending how old your car is, in California every couple of years you have to take it to get “smogged” before your license is renewed. It costs from $25 to $50. As government bureaucracies go in California, it’s relatively low

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Homage to Catalonia independence

Is there still hope for the Six Californias initiative of entrepreneur Tom Draper? This year it failed to get enough signatures to make it to the 2016 ballot. The next attempt would be 2018. If so, hope comes from Catalonia, the

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Gordon Tullock, RIP

The great economist Gordon Tullock died recently at age 92. He is most associated with Public Choice Economics. Under it, economists look at government bureaucrats, not as disinterested, omniscient parties trying to keep things going by enforcing the rule of

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‘Net neutrality’ = double-nickel

President Obama’s “net neutrality” scheme was branded “Obamacare for the Internet” by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., a 2016 presidential hopeful. A better analogy is the double-nickle, the 55 mph speed limit President Nixon imposed on the country in 1974, just

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Mexico also having high-speed rail problems

California isn’t the only place having problems building high-speed rail. So is Mexico. The Times reported: Bowing to intense criticism, the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto yanked a contract worth nearly $4 billion from a Chinese-led consortium to build

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CA faces stiffer competition from more GOP-led states

The 50 American states are the “crucibles of democracy,” where new ideas are tried out. The states all compete against one another, with the best ideas winning the day. Although Democrats won almost everything Tuesday in California, the state still

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Berkeley imposes soda tax

Berkeley has done all Californians a favor by voting for a demonstration of how taxes drive away business. Its citizens just passed Measure D, a soda tax amounting to 12 cents on a can of Coke or other sugary beverage. The

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Democrats lose super-majority in CA Assembly

Republicans, who have already blocked a Democratic super-majority in the California Senate, have also succeeded in defeating a Democratic super-majority in the Assembly. The only question remaining: How many seats will Democrats lose in the lower house? Buoyed by low voter turnout

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Statewide seats surprisingly close

Aside from Gov. Jerry Brown’s victory, 58 to 42, which I wrote about earlier, the other statewide races are surprisingly close in early returns, with 31.1 percent counted. Democrats probably will win them in the end. The national GOP tide has had

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