Tag "John Seiler"

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High housing costs slug CA

Another report details how housing costs continue to slug Californians. From the Bee: Except for those living in the state’s most remote rural areas, Californians must contend with the nation’s highest housing costs, both rental and ownership, relative to their incomes, a

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Dem Legislature passes more tax cuts

Who said California Democrats oppose tax cuts? They long have supported tax cuts for their pals in Hollywood. Now the Democratic Legislature is passing tax cuts for their buddies in the military-industrial complex: “The California Assembly on Thursday approved a fast-tracked

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No more warrantless cop cell phone snooping

Recently in Southern California, some cops stopped some friends of mine in a parking lot for no reason. There was no arrest. But the cops did search their cell phone call logs. hen  let  them go. Now the U.S. Supreme

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Report: Global warming data bogus

Can we repeal AB 32 now? Both Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who signed AB 32 (shown in the nearby picture), and Gov. Jerry Brown, who is implementing it, said global warming science was “certain.” But now there’s more evidence the temperatures

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Amtrak, CA high-speed rail cancel joint train agreement

It’s another blow to California’s high-speed rail project. AP reported: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Amtrak and the California High-Speed Rail Authority said Friday that they canceled a joint agreement seeking companies to build high-speed trains for them, a proposal billed as a way

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Brown vs. Kashkari debate

Let’s hope Gov. Jerry Brown accepts the invitation to debate Neel Kashkari issued by the consortium that hosted Brown’s debate in 2010 with Meg Whitman. The Orange County Register and KABC also have reached out to Brown for a debate they

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Chapman Forecast: Steady CA growth

Chapman University’s new economic forecast projects steady but not spectacular economic growth for California and the nation. Real U.S. GDP growth could continue at about 2 percent a year. That’s not as good as the 5 percent or more during

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Auditor blasts illegal sterilization of inmates

It’s hard to think of anything more dehumanizing that illegally sterilizing someone. It takes away their right to reproduce. But that’s what happened in California prisons from 2005 to 2013. An audit released today by the California Auditor looked into

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Chart warns of possible stock crash

We can’t predict the future. But we prudently can make preparations for unfortunate events. That’s why the California government and local governments should make sure they have budget surpluses. Check out the following chart. It shows that the current DJIA stock

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State auditor dings CPUC on passenger carriers

The California Public Utilities Commission is supposed to look out for consumers. But the California Auditor just found they have done a bad job regulating “passenger carriers” — such as limousines. The CPUC does this through its Transformation Enforcement Branch.

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