Tag "John Seiler"

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Amb. Bolton warns of Pacific challenges to the U.S.

California and the United States as a whole need to get their act together to face the rising challenges posed by Russia, China, North Korea and other countries. That was what former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said

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CA plastic bag ban would hurt environment

In this dysfunctional state, it figures the Legislature likely soon could ban plastic bags at stores. AP reports: “Senate Bill 270 passed the Assembly’s Natural Resources Committee on a 5-3 vote following the failure of similar bans on single-use grocery bags

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Will Sen. de Leon also head the Assembly?

In a strange development, state Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, who soon will head the Senate as president pro-tem, also will head the Assembly as speaker. This will be news to Assemblywoman Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, who yesterday was

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Mexico loosens gun control

One reason Mexico is so violent is that it has really strict gun control. Common people cannot defend themselves from well-armed criminals. The criminals don’t follow the country’s gun laws because they’re already outlaws. The U.S. Consulate in Tijuana wrote:

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A billion here, a billion there for high-speed rail

“A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money,” Sen Everett Dirksen, R-Ill., supposedly said, although the Dirksen Center says there’s no record of it. The longtime Republican minority leader died in 1969. But whoever said

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ObamaChoppers to cost $20 billion

You would think America didn’t have any economic troubles, and the government could waste whatever money it wanted to on anything. President Obama’s has ordered a fleet of 23 presidential helicopters — ObamaChoppers — that will cost taxpayers an incredible $20

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Exodus costs CA

People and businesses flee California’s high taxes and regulations. How much does that cost the state budget? A new book by Travis Brown, “How Money Walks,” quantifies it; as does his website, howmoneywalks.com. Writing in the Orange County Register, Adam

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$26 minimum wage?

California’s minimum wage rises to $9 an hour from $8 on July 1. Then in 2015, it rises to $10. That’s still pretty low for this expensive state. So Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., is proposing $26 an hour. That still

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Taxes, regs clog new biz formation in USA, CA

An alarming new study by the liberal Brookings Institution shows business dynamism has dropped by half from the Reagan Boom of three decades ago. Look at this graph: “Firm entry” means new startup companies. “Firm exit” means the companies are gone.

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Analyzing Neel Kashkari’s flyer

Today the first statewide political flyer plopped into my mailbox. It’s from Neel Kashkari, running for governor as a Republican. The whole thing is reproduced at the bottom. This is the first gubernatorial election using the Top Two system. The

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