Tag "John Seiler"

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O.C. Sheriff Hutchens allows more conceal-carry permits

Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens commendably is expanding the ranks of those able to get conceal-carry permits. This follows a ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms”

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Cal Lutheran: State growth anemic next 2 years

California’s economic recovery remains anemic and a two-year projection put forth in the March forecast of the Center for Economic Research and Forecasting at Cal Lutheran predicts more of the same. Here’s the chart:   Notice that growth the next

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Why Prop. 13 is more crucial than ever

Every year brings attempts to gut Proposition 13, the 1978 tax limitation measure. It limits yearly increases in property taxes to 2 percent of the assessed value, beginning when the property was purchased. The original rate is 1 percent of

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Happy 25th anniversary, World Wide Web

The Internet was invented in California in 1969 as a government project. But the critical technology, the World Wide Web, was invented in Switzerland 25 years ago this week by one man, Tim Berners-Lee. He created the universal Hypertext Markup

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Sen. Feinstein upset over CIA searching congressional computers

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., generally has a liberal record. Yet the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee long has defended the vast snooping of the NSA and the other intelligence agencies. Perhaps she is having second thoughts after she attacked

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D.C. can’t even provide itself with clean water

Washington, D.C. rules California, America — the world. Yet this from the Washington Post: “Residents and business owners in parts of upper Northwest Washington are being advised to continue boiling their water through Friday after a pumping station lost power,

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CalPERS just called me

At 11:27 am, according to my cell, I got a call from CalPERS, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System. At first I thought it was about some news story I had done. I’ve talked to them before. Then the woman

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Worst roads — highest taxes

California has the highest income, sales and gas taxes in America — and the worst roads. Reported CBS Los Angeles: Los Angeles topped the charts for the most gridlocked city in 2013, according to the annual Traffic Scorecard, which is

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Are CA elected officials underpaid?

Just after getting a 5 percent raise, Gov.  Jerry Brown, other statewide officials and legislators soon could get another boost, supposedly because they’re “underpaid.” Hey, “California is back,” Brown keeps saying. The CA Dem party is meeting this weekend in Los

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Global cooling update

How’s that global warming/climate change working out? California still must implement AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. It was signed into law way back eight years ago by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who’s long gone from office to

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