Tag "John Seiler"

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Will CO follow CA and increase taxes?

Gov. Jerry Brown has set himself and California up as a new national model. Ten days ago he told a conference of the Center for American Progress: Three years ago California was called a failed state. They were virtually chortling

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Video: Arnold explains his philosophy of governance

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger explains his philosophy of governance during his seven years in office, 2003-2010.

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Obama killed Pontiac

Remember all the blather last year from the Obama campaign about how he “saved” GM? It turns out President Obama killed the great Pontiac marque of cars, and even wanted to kill Buick and GMC. That cost tens of thousands

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Prof. Dr. Antonio Villaraigosa, M.A., M.S., Ph.D., M.D., D.D., and B.S.

Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa brought Los Angeles to the brink of bankruptcy, as warned another former mayor, Richard Riordan. The next recession still could see L.A. go BK. Also on Villaraigosa’s watch, the city’s schools continued to underperform,

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Will NSA snooping kill CA prosperity?

Since California invented the Internet more than four decades ago, we’ve ruled the digital roost. Others have contributed, such as CERN in Switzerland and companies in other high-tech centers in America, such as Austin, Tex. and Boston’s Route 128. But

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Liberal Slate effectively admits Obamacare will have death panels

There are two ways to allocate scarce goods: By price in a free market, and by government bureaucracy. That's why it is inevitable that Obamacare, despite the protests of its partisans, will have death panels. When the costs escalate to

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Letter calls for audit of state solar programs

The bankrupt Solyndra isn't the only one shocking taxpayers with its great waste. can i get my ex back Scientist Manfred von Borks, Sc.D. Just wrote a letter to State Auditor Elaine M. Howle, asking her to look into California's

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Obama fixes Obamacare 'glitches'

President Obama has corrected what he calls the “glitches” in Obamacare. Click here for the solution. How To Get Your Ex Gf Back If She Hates You zp8497586rq

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U.S. ranks third-last in 'numeracy'

America's low-scoring public schools are making it difficult for us to compete in future decades. The latest: “The U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) on Friday released the initial results of an international survey of adult

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