Tag "John Seiler"

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China surging

China's growth dropped from 12 percent in 2010 to “only” 7.5 percent during the second quarter of 2012. Now China is surging again, with growth of 7.8 percent in the quarter — and rising. The Wall Street Journal reported, “On a

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President Arnold?

Three years ago I reviewed Ian Halpern's biography of then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, “The Governator: From Muscle Beach to His Quest for the White House, the Improbable Rise of Arnold Schwarzenegger.” Back than it was by far the best biography of

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L.A. Times bans letters doubting climate change

Back when I was starting out in the editorial writing business in 1986 with the Washington Times, I also helped out on the letters page. I learned proper newspaper policy from William P. Cheshire, the editorial page editor. The policy

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Middle class can’t afford CA

Politicians of both parties like to boast how they work for the “middle class.” Well, there isn’t much of a middle class left in California, at least along the coastal areas. According to data provided by Trulia, the three least

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Skelton ignores Gov. Earl Warren's crimes against loyal Japanese-Americans

Columnist George Skelton, who now and then enjoys an intimate interview with Gov. Jerry Brown, proclaims: “Jerry Brown is now the longest-serving governor in California history. That doesn't put him up there with the greats. But it's starting to look

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Majority rule and Obamacare

Here we go again. The cover of Time magazine I saw at a grocery store is nearby. The implication is that the U.S. House of Representatives, by failing (so far) to approve a budget that includes Obamacare, is against “Majority

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Are 'neo-Confederates' holding up Obamacare?

Are “neo-Confederates” shutting down the government and wrecking the Constitution by trying to de-fund Obamacare? So claims longtime Republican staffer Mike Lofgren in an interview with Salon's Josh Eidelson. download adobe cs6 Pictured are two senators who are strongly against

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Shutdown blacks out U.S. Census site

It's taken a week, but I finally was affected by the federal government “shutdown” (which actually only closes, temporarily, 17 percent of the government; leaving 83 percent still operating). computer softwares I went to the U.S. Census's Web site, census.gov,

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Chart shows govt. shutdown HELPS markets

Government officials are warning that, if the shutdown continues, the economy will be harmed. President Obama said Thursday: academic assignment “It is important for [Wall Street] to recognize that this is going to have a profound impact on our economy

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Would canceling Obamacare be a blow to democracy?

Three of our esteemed commentators insist that, if the U.S. House of Representatives somehow repeals major parts of Obamacare, doing so would undermine “democracy.” essay writing services Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist and famous author, titles his column, “Our

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