Tag "John Seiler"

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Can Big Sis be stopped?

It is absurd that Janet Napolitano could become the head of the University of California. Other than being a student, Big Sis has no academic experience. She has produced no original research. She has not headed an academic apartment. She

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Weakest stock market rally ever

Despite stubbornly high unemployment, one supposed highlight of the Obama recovery is the booming stock market. Actually, it’s one of the weakest bull markets on record. Here’s a graph from Chart of the Day showing what has happened. As you

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With L.A. near rioting, A.G. Holder inflames America

Surely, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder remembers the 1992 Los Angeles riots, in which 53 people were killed and more than 2,000 injured. They occurred after the cops in the Rodney King beating were found innocent. (In a double jeopardy

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The most important function Gavin Newsom could perform

The L.A. Times ran an amusing story about Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s frustrations at holding his useless position. Gov. Jerry Brown ignores him. Even the state Senate, which he technically presides over, gave him the boot. It’s incredibly infuriating for

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L.A. Times’ Abcarian’s biased reporting on Zimmerman trial

July 15, 2013 By John Seiler Los Angeles is dealing with massive protests and possibly violence after the not guilty verdict in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. But instead of trying to calm things down, the Los Angeles Times

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What UC students might get from Big Sis

Janet Napolitano is on her way to becoming Big Sis of the University of California. She just resigned as Big Sis of the Department of Homeland Security. She got the Big Sis label from the Drudge Report for her Big

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Hypocritical liberals party at men-only Bohemian Club

Conspiracy theorists have a field day with the annual July meeting of the elite Bohemian Grove semi-secret society. This year’s frolicking just began at the group’s Russian River camp. But what I find fascinating is how elite liberals attend it even

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CA take note: Detroit pensions could take big hit in bankruptcy

July 13, 2013 By John Seiler Although California’s current financial fortunes seemingly are improving, the next recession could cancel the bliss. So Californians, especially government workers, should take not of what’s happening in Detroit. Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr is being

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TX oil production soars as CA drops

July 11, 2013 By John Seiler Energy production jobs are good, middle-class manufacturing jobs. Texas is reveling in the creation of such jobs. California is against them, favoring instead two kinds of jobs: high-tech jobs for those with IQs higher

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AG Kamala Harris attacks joke coffee cup

July 11, 2013 By John Seiler Look at the coffee cup in the nearby picture. It’s a joke, right? Not to California Attorney General Kamala Harris. She’s one of 23 state attorneys general who wrote a letter (reproduced below) to

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