Tag "John Seiler"

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Video: Dems: The Party of tolerance and inclusion

Sept. 7, 2012 By John Seiler Jon Stewart’s show proves how tolerant and inclusive Democrats really are:   The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Hope and Change 2 – The Party of Inclusion www.thedailyshow.com

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California is broken, not broke

Sept. 7, 2012 By John  Seiler Our colleague Steven Greenhut writes today on Bloomberg about, “Scandals show California is broken, not broke.” An excerpt: “Voters are accustomed to the scare tactics of tax-hungry politicians who warn of looming cuts in

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Bill Clinton didn’t mention his own tax cuts.

Sept. 6, 2012 By John Seiler I enjoyed Bill Clinton’s speech last night. He’s still Slick Willie. After his bypass, he’s a little more fatigued than he was when he occupied the White House. But he still has that Clinton

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Time to break up California?

Sept. 6, 2012 By John Seiler Looks like Canada is breaking up. Reported RT.com: “The separatist Parti Quebecois has won Quebec’s regional elections and will form a new government there, once again raising the possibility of a referendum on independence

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Explaining Obama

Sept. 6, 2012 By John Seiler I’m looking forward to President Obama’s acceptance speech tonight. I’m not a fan of his policies. But for all I pay for our Brobdingnagian Government, the least I can get is the entertainment of

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U.S. Census Bureau ratted out Japanese Americans in WWII

Sept. 5, 2012 By John Seiler One of the most disgraceful acts in American history was the incarceration of loyal Japanese-Americans in what President Roosevelt, who instigated the abomination, called “concentration camps.” Under FDR’s unconstitutional Executive Order 9066, more than

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I told you so

Sept. 5, 2012 By John Seiler I’ve been warning about California’s looming fiscal disaster for more than a decade now. While researching another article, I dug out some quotes from articles I wrote for the Orange County Regisgter, where I

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Dem confab sports California stars

Sept. 4, 2012 By John Seiler Except for a hilarious Clint Eastwood stand-up routine, last week’s Republican convention in Tampa featured hardly any Californians. At their convention this week in Charlotte, Democrats are showing off their powerful California delegation. The

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Meyerson makes ridiculous attack on GOP

Aug. 31, 2012 By John Seiler I have a lot of problems with the Republican Party. They don’t come nearly close enough to supporting as much liberty as I do. But it’s also worth pointing out ridiculous attacks on them,

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Gov. Brown’s pension non-reform

Aug. 30, 2012 By John Seiler As the smoke and the rhetoric have settled, you know pension reform is weak when: a) It’s criticized by an analysis in the Los Angeles Times. c) Ridiculed by the paper’s liberal columnist George

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