Tag "John Seiler"

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Newsom attacks property rights

July 30, 2012 By John Seiler Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, trying to conjure up something useful from his worthless job, has positioned himself supposedly as a “pro-business” Democrat. He even went to Texas to say how the Golden State could

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Video: John Lott dissects two gun control fanatics

July 30, 2012 By John Seiler In the following YouTube, America’s top gun scholar, John Lott, faces off against two gun-control fanatics who hardly let him get in a word edgewise. One is host Piers Morgan, who like a lot

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Obama’s General Motors bailout still ripping us off

July 26, 2012 By John Seiler One reason the American economic “recovery” is so weak is that, when General Motors went bankrupt in 2009, President Obama stole the company’s assets from bondholders to give to the UAW union. Yes, he

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Getting cable and watching the political animals

July 26, 2012 By John Seiler I’ve always been reluctant to get cable TV because it’s a big time waste. The Internet and a land-line phone are all I need, through Verizon’s FIOS fiberoptic system. Plus a cheap T-Mobile flip

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Gadfly Radio broadcasts perspective on Anaheim riots, state schools

July 25, 2012 By John Seiler Check out Gadfly Radio’s latest broadcast. Featured first is Gustavo Arellano, ace reporter for the OC Weekly, on the riots in Anaheim that followed the police shooting death of an unarmed man. The second

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El Monte might tax fat kids

July 25, 2012 By John Seiler In the great Clint Eastwood Western “The Outlaw Josie Wales,” the Yankee Terrill says, “Doin’ right ain’t got no end.” So it is with busybodies everywhere. They just won’t leave us alone. The California Center

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Convention time: How badly off is the CA GOP?

July 25, 2012 By John Seiler Just ahead of its “fall” convention in beautiful downtown Burbank on Aug. 10-12, the CA GOP is in a tiff with the New York Times over the status of the party in the Pyrite

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Boosting minimum wage would kill jobs.

July 24, 2012 By John Seiler Even an atomic bomb doesn’t devastate a city as much as the minimum wage. After all, Hiroshima and Nagasaki recovered and today are thriving cities. The minimum wage destroys the ability of low-wage workers,

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Leftists attack Prop. 32 campaign reform

Commentary July 24, 2012 By John Seiler Anyone who observes California politics knows that the government-worker unions dominate the state from top to bottom. They forced union pension spiking on the state a decade ago, leading to the spate of

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Summer break is the best time of year

July 23, 2012 By John Seiler About this time of year, liberal education ideologues start talking about how bad summer break is for kids; how summer break is a leftover from when most people were farmers, and the kids were

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