Tag "John Seiler"

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Another Reason to Boycott Government Motors

April 2, 2012 Last fall, Government Motors assaulted the John and Ken radio show by pulling ads from the show because the talk show hosts favored restricting immigration. I wrote it about it then. If Government Motors had been a

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Gov. Jerry Brown Resigns

APRIL 1, 2012 By JOHN SEILER SACRAMENTO — Declaring California “ungovernable,” Gov Jerry Brown today resigned from office. “My father built the California water system, the university system and the schools system, and I can’t even get a measly tax

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In Case You’re Wondering What’s Going to Happen to You…

John Seiler: It really doesn’t matter who wins the presidency this fall, or the governorship whenever. Both Republicans and Democrats have made a hash of things. The federal government is $15 trillion in debt. And the California state government is

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Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend

John Seiler: Shouldn’t frugality be the order of the day? The state faces a $20 budget deficit and Gov. Jerry Brown is pushing a $9 billion tax increase. Not for our Legislature! For them, the tax increases exist to waste

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Jerry Brown: ‘Governor 13.3%’

John Seiler: A Wall Street Journal editorial headline today branded Gov. Jerrry Brown: “Governor 13.3%.” That’s the percentage California’s top income tax rate would be if he finagles voters into passing his tax hike this November. It’s a great headline.

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More Inmates today in US Prisons than in Stalin’s Gulag

John Seiler: Incredible. America now has more people in its stuffed prisons, 6 million, than were stuck in Stalin’s gulag prison system. Reports Fareed Zakaria on CNN.com: “Is this hyperbole? Here are the facts. The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000

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Paper: Massive Cheating in L.A., Other Schools Districts Across America

MARCH 26, 2012 By JOHN SEILER Yesterday the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran a series on massive cheating on school tests across America, “Cheating our children: Suspicious school test scores across the nation.” It specifically looked at nine districts, including the Los

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CalPERS Funding Might Be Only 40 Percent Funded

John Seiler: As we’ve been warning here on CalWatchDog.com for more than two years now, CalPERS’ funding is way too low. I’ve written before how CalPERS might only be funded at the 55 percent level. It turns out that even

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L.A. Times’ Annoying Gatekeeping

John Seiler: I subscribe to the Los Angeles Times’ Sunday edition. So I get access to their online edition without paying more. But it’s annoying. I have virus programs that reglarly get rid of the cookies that retain my log-on

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CSU Christians Should Thank U.S. Supreme Court

John Seiler: The U.S. Supreme Court did Cal State Christian students a favor by turning down their lawsuit to get school money. This was sparked by Cal State’s “refusal to provide funding and other campus  benefits to student groups that

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