Tag "John Seiler"

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Blackout Shows CA Is Third World

FEB. 15, 2012 By JOHN SEILER More evidence California has descended into Third World status: Yesterday evening I sat in the dark in my apartment for two and a half hours as a blackout blanketed Huntington Beach. The Orange County

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‘I Feel Duped on Climate Change’

John Seiler: The keystone of economic and technological growth in California for the next century is AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. It was signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger with great fanfare. And it has

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Obama Backs High-Speed Boondoggle

John Seiler: Presidents live in a cocoon. Inside the cocoon are a few advisers and Secret Service agents. The cocoon gets smaller and tighter the longer a president is in office. It happened to President Bush, who was totally clueless

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Stock Market Not Helping Pension Funds

FEB. 10, 2012 By JOHN SEILER California Pension Reform just suspended its attempt to put an initiative on the November ballot. It ran out of money — sort of like the pension funds themselves. Meanwhile, the stock market seems to

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Other States REPEALING Income Tax

John Seiler: California used to be a trendsetter, from boogie boards to surf music. Now it’s a retrograde state. It’s going in the wrong direction. Gov. Jerry Brown is proposing a massive income-tax hike. Others, such as leftist lawyer Molly

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Our Budding Young Scholars…

John Seiler: America spends something like $400 billion a year on K-12 public-school education. That’s $400,000,000,000.00. Here’s the result: Feb. 9, 2012

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Time to Privatize Marriage

John Seiler: Aren’t you sick of the Marriage Wars? In the latest development a court — who cares which one — upheld the decision of a lower court — who cares which one — that same-sex couples have a “right”

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China stiffs EU on carb tax; CA next?

John Seiler: China isn’t going to let a bunch of stuffy Eurocrats stifle its economic progress. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, “China has banned its airlines from paying charges on carbon emissions imposed by the European Union, state media reported Monday.

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CA Gov. Workers Best Paid in USA

John Seiler: Of all the 50 states, California’s government workers make the highest pay, averaging $5,774 a month in March 2010, according to U.S. Census data. That works out to $69,288 a year. Local government workers in Washington, D.C., made

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More Taxes for Skoolz?

Commentary FEB. 7, 2012 By JOHN SEILER I’m enjoying the tiff between Gov. Jerry Brown and the other tax-increase forces in the state, in particular activist lawyer Molly Munger and the California Teachers Association. As Dan Walters notes today, Brown’s

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