Tag "Katy Grimes"
Back to homepage‘Sin tax’ would burn cigar-smoking lawmakers
Tobacco taxes are relatively easy for lawmakers to pass because they are a tax on a hated and “sinful” habit — smoking. But the smoking tax proposed in SB 768 would extend to cigars, a favorite vice of many lawmakers
Read MoreAB 10 would boost CA minimum wage
SACRAMENTO — Obamacare is forcing businesses to slash the working hours of many employees below 30 hours a week. But the workers will be hurt even more in California as Democrats push into law Assembly Bill 10, by Assemblyman Luis Alejo, D-Salinas. It
Read MoreEnviro, politics could block unique Sacramento museum
July 15, 2013 By Katy Grimes A wealthy Sacramento couple has offered to make one of the largest private donations in Sacramento history to create a natural history museum for the city. Naturally, an animal rights activist and city officials
Read MoreAB 817 would allow non-citizens to work at polls
July 15, 2013 By Katy Grimes Poll watchers in America are currently people who are also legally registered to vote. But a new bill would change that in California. If Assembly Bill 817 is passed, non-citizens, also known as legal resident aliens,
Read MoreControversial Napolitano coming to UC system
July 12, 2013 By Katy Grimes A startling announcement early this morning caught many Californians off guard: Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano is resigning and moving to California to head the University of California system. This is a real eyebrow-raiser,
Read MoreChino Hills wins battle against So Cal Edison
July 12, 2013 By Katy Grimes Chino Hills will be waving bye-bye to the 200 foot electrical transmission towers erected near homes, schools and churches in the lovely bedroom community. Yesterday the Southern California city won a long and arduous
Read MorePark Service wants to ban most people from Yosemite
July 11, 2013 By Katy Grimes Yosemite National Park is one of America’s greatest natural treasurers, set aside as a national park nearly 150 years ago by Abraham Lincoln specifically for “the public use, resort and recreation…for all time.” Yet
Read MoreSouthern CA ‘Bonfire of the vanities’
July 11, 2013 By Katy Grimes Whenever environmental or social justice activists want something banned, they create a health or safety reason supporting their policy. This is the case with the attempt by the South Coast Air Quality Management District to
Read MoreRevolutionary pension game-changer, or bigger pension problems?
July 10, 2013 By Katy Grimes There is a potentially revolutionary way of restructuring public pensions being floated by U.S. Sen. Orin Hatch which would park public pension liabilities with private insurance companies, and get government out of the pension business
Read More‘Mayor Steinberg’ a disaster-in-waiting for Sacramento
July 10, 2013 By Katy Grimes Sacramento’s City Council has historically been a revolving door into state politics. Do the names Phil Isenberg, Bob Matsui, Debra Ortiz, Lloyd Connelly, Darrell Steinberg, and Dave Jones, ring a bell? Each of these
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