Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Jerry Brown twists out ‘pretzel palace’ budget

May 14, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO–Setting the stage for the Legislature to pass another phony majority vote budget, Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown presented a bleak picture of the state’s finances today during his May Budget Revision conference, and then

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Tossing in the conservative towel

May 14, 2012 By Katy Grimes Since yesterday was Mother’s Day and all about me, I’ve decided that I want to get up every morning and be happy. I realized that it was time to toss in the conservative towel

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Marin County joins Dark Side of Force

May 11, 2012 By Katy Grimes When you think of arugula, champagne and caviar, the Ritz Hotel and the Upper West Side, what often comes to mind is effete, out of touch elitists … limousine liberals who deem themselves the upper

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Disabilities Act lawsuit abuse divides activists

May 10, 2012 By Katy Grimes Lawsuit abuse is a growing problem in California, but none is more prevalent than disability access lawsuits and the financial damage they cause to California businesses. Several state lawmakers are trying to address the

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Shenanigans with Capitol press access

May 9, 2012 By Katy Grimes I’ve written several times about the ridiculous hassles I’ve had with the many press credential hold-ups with the Assembly Speaker’s press office. Today I inquired with Assembly Speaker John Perez’s press office about approval for a

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Despicable politics against Boy Scouts

May 8, 2012 By Katy Grimes The Boy Scouts of America are under attack again, and this time, at the state Capitol. The Boy Scouts have been under attack for many years by homosexual special interest groups–apparently being a volunteer “boy”

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Legislature works to limit free speech of corporations

May 9, 2012 By Katy Grimes The U.S. Constitution is under attack again. At issue is the controversial Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission U.S. Supreme Court decision. It basically allowed unlimited corporate contributions to political campaigns. Two Assembly Democrats authored Assembly

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Killing off business for college students

May 8, 2012 By Katy Grimes The widening chasm of political philosophy was on display Monday in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee, as one side argued for higher taxes on businesses, and the other pushed to continue with the

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Politics has gone to the dogs

May 4, 2012 By Katy Grimes My neighbor likes to tell me that her dog has a higher intellect than my dog. And it’s not because my “Gus” is a police dog dropout. This neighbor, a socially challenged, liberal scientist,

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CA stands alone in ending global warming

May 7, 2012 By Katy Grimes I’ve always believed that everything is economic. It appears that this is true, even with climate change mandates. But even insolvency may not be an important enough reason for global warming apologists in California

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