Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Pension Reform Mirrors Brown Proposal

FEB. 22, 2012 By KATY GRIMES With the recent pension reform ballot initiative defeated before it ever made it onto the ballot, many in California believed that taxpayers would never get a change to vote on the escalating pension debt

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Not Another Teen Regulation Bill

FEB. 22, 2012 By KATY GRIMES According to legislators, teenage boys in California are violent. Therefore, only an Assembly resolution can save the unsuspecting teenage girls from the inevitable violence. February 2012 has been dubbed “Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.”

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State Edu-Welfare Expansion Plans

FEB. 21, 2012 More than 50 percent of California college students do not pay for school at the state’s public colleges and universities. Unfortunately, the dropout rate is also about 50 percent. This is because, along with all of the free

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Even Dogs Have A Nanny In CA

Katy Grimes: A California state Senator has authored a bill which would regulate pet grooming and require dog groomers to pay a whopping $350 for a state-issued license. As if the state Legislature’s attempt to require helmuts for skiers and snowboarders,

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Johnson’s Big Plans May Backfire

Katy Grimes: Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson has made no secret of the fact that he’d like a big, beautiful new sports arena in the city. Johnson is also still pushing for a change to the city charter to make the

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Assemblyman Defends Maxine Waters

Katy Grimes: I sat through a State Assembly session this morning wondering why I was there. It was obviously a thinly veiled excuse by legislators to capture the $142 per diem payment. There were the usual speeches honoring the recently

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Guarded Optimism For CA Military

FEB. 16, 2012 By KATY GRIMES It could have been an episode of “The General, His Wife, The Staff, and the Military,” a movie about the scandal-plagued California National Guard. But instead, after four hours of grueling testimony at times,

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General Opposes Brown’s Nominee

FEB. 15, 2012 California National Guard Brigadier General Charlotte L. Miller has announced that she will voice her opposition to legislators today about Major General David Baldwin’s nomination to the top position of the state National Guard. Miller will testify

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Blackout Shows CA Is Third World

FEB. 15, 2012 By JOHN SEILER More evidence California has descended into Third World status: Yesterday evening I sat in the dark in my apartment for two and a half hours as a blackout blanketed Huntington Beach. The Orange County

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More ‘Rights’ For State Employees

Katy Grimes: Since public employees have so few workplace protections and are so under-paid, Democratic Assemblyman Roger Dickinson has authored legislation to give the unionized state workers more protections from workplace discipline, and priority on state government work over private sector workers. It’s

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