Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Legislature Advances Dental Socialism

FEB. 14, 2012 By KATY GRIMES As voters are growing increasingly wary of ObamaCare, the President’s nationalized healthcare plan, voters in California are also growing skeptical of legislators’ attempts to increase statewide healthcare. Fully implementing health care for all has drawn

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Politician Spends Excessively!

Katy Grimes: Alert the media! A Sacramento politician spent record amounts of money while a county supervisor. And now, that county supervisor is in the State Assembly. An exposé done by the Sacramento Bee over the weekend is only two years late;

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Californians Getting Railroaded

Katy Grimes: Regardless of cost, the Obama Administration is behind California’s plan to build a High-Speed Rail system, according to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. “Despite a series of a cautionary reports by outside agencies and groups, the Obama administration is

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Leg Administrators Still Get Tax-Paid Cars

FEB. 9, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Proving once again why California needs a part time Legislature, a recent news story about state-funded cars for legislators showed some bad deals and financial abuses. But the rest of the story is not

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California Energy Crash Coming

FEB. 8, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Ready for more electricity blackouts? With California’s renewable energy mandates, cap and trade requirements, and implementation of AB 32, it is becoming increasingly clear that California is at a precarious energy crossroads, and one

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Medi-Cal: The $0 Copay Plan

Katy Grimes: If you didn’t already believe that there is a concerted effort underway to force socialized health care on all Americans, perhaps it is time to change your mind. California sought permission recently from the federal Centers for Medicare &

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Sacto To Pawn Parking For Arena

 Katy Grimes:  Would you pawn a $5,000 Rolex for $150? While only someone desperate for quick cash would do something so irresponsible, the City of Sacramento is making plans to cut a similar deal. City officials are about to pawn

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Repetitive Media Bias Denial

Katy Grimes: Twice in one week, the Sacramento Bee printed grating op eds by retired Bee editors. Earlier in the week, former Bee editor Peter Schrag wrote that the Occupy movement is being orchestrated by a “shadowy right-wing cabal.” With

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Occupy Squatters Don’t Know Squat

Katy Grimes: Four days ago, more than 300 Occupy protestors were arrested after breaking into Oakland’s City Hall. Demonstrators burned a U.S. flag, threw rocks and bottles at police, and tore down fencing at the convention center, and then tried

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Dems Vote to Slash School Funding

FEB. 1, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Anyone involved in state politics would concede that it would be a cold day in hell when Democratic legislators vote to cut school funding, especially to schools in their own districts. But that it

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