Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Diversity Trumps Education In CA

Katy Grimes: Since when are race and ethnicity “front and center in the state’s education system”? Isn’t education supposed to be the goal? In an op-ed in the Sacramento Bee, Linda J. Wong, executive director of the Center for Urban Education at

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Assembly Muzzles Whistleblower Bill

JAN. 20, 2012 By KATY GRIMES So much for open government. AB 1378 would have provided legislative staffers the same safeguards that nearly all other state employees receive after blowing the whistle on government wrongdoing. But on Thursday, it was muzzled

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Brown: Proving The ‘Declinists’ Wrong

JAN. 18, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Was it Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State address today? Or the “more show than substance” address, as some lawmakers dubbed it? Brown defended High-Speed Rail, pushed for implementation of AB 32, touted economic

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CA High Public Employee Pay

Katy Grimes: It’s official – California has the largest number of public sector employees making more than $150,000 per year. The Sunshine Review, a nonprofit organization dedicated to government transparency, released its first state government salary report today, which analyzed public sector employee

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Know Your ‘Rich’ Economic History

Katy Grimes: In order to fully comprehend how California residents will be impacted even more by Democrats in the near future, we need to look at the economic condition of the entire country, and put our economic history into context. Under the

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‘Grassroots’ Looks Like This

Katy Grimes: TIME magazine recently announced the 2011 Person of the Year was “the Protestor.” American protestors conjure up all kinds of images, from the Occupy Wall Street Protestors, striking union nurses, teamsters, to university students occupying the library at UC

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CA GOP Going to Elephant Graveyard?

JAN. 17, 2012 Many in the media say that Republicans are rapidly becoming irrelevant in California, and will become nothing more than an afterthought after the next election. Even a Capitol press club, made up of declining “old media” newspaper,

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High-Speed Platinum Contracts

JAN. 13, 2012 By KATY GRIMES It’s like a runaway train pushing a side a cow on the tracks. Controversy over the $98.5 billion-dollar-and-growing price tag? Move aside! The California High-Speed Rail Authority held a seemingly “regular” monthly meeting in Los

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Ballot-Box Budgeting Scheme

Katy Grimes: The latest proposed state budget demonstrates exactly why California doesn’t need the new spending scheme that will appear on the ballot this June. The budget released by the Governor last week projects that despite billions in cuts to

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Whistleblower Bill Advances in Leg

JAN. 11, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Each year, thousands of California state employees do the right thing by exposing government waste and fraud. But not in the state Capitol in Sacramento, according to Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, D-Pasadena. At an Assembly

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